Farewell monster

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I looked over at Oakley who was holding her side and right arm as she was linking over to me.

"You owe me big time Addams," Oakley said with a painful laugh.

"I will return the favor," I said looking back at Mrs. Weems's lifeless body.

   "Okay well let's get Enid back!" Eugene said breaking the silence.

"Yes let's do that," I reply to Eugene looking away from Mrs. Weems.

  "Okay, so I need Annie's body and Enid's body!" I told everyone.

I go over to Enid's body and pick her up bridal style and set her down gently on the Tree-like table.

  Yoko and Eugene are holding Annie up and slamming her on the table.

"Give me the book," I said holding my hand out towards them.

  Oakley looks around for the book walks over to it and picks it up while handing it out to me.

"Thank you," I said pulling the book out of her hands.

I began to clear my throat so I could chant the spell "Αλλάξτε τη ζωντάνια ενός όντος σε ένα άλλο. η ψυχή του θα παγιδευτεί στο θάνατο." I repeated it about 4 times before shutting the book and looking up at Enid.

I look over at Annie and her mouth drops open to a size that would be impossible. And her body began to shake I look up as I see very faint pink smoke come out of her mouth it then runs into Enid's body. It blasts me back a bit and I fall to the floor.

  It becomes very bright and then it shuts off to the original darkness it was I look over at Yoko and Eugene their mouths become wide open with tears forming around their eyes.

I turn to look In front of me and I see Enid fluttering her eyes open.

  I stand still In complete shock and I freeze up I can't believe that Enid is finally back and that she is alive and okay.

She sits up and looks at Eugene and Yoko first and then turns to me her eyes begin to form tears and I hear huffing.

  She stands up so quickly and runs over to me and pushes me onto the floor and hugs me.

"I missed you so much Wednesday... I was so scared. I was so scared." Enid began to cry heavily I could feel her tears dripping down my neck.

  Enids POV:

As Wednesday stands up I look at her face and she has tears rapidly running down her face crying quietly.

  "I missed you... so much you have no idea I thought I would never see you again." Wednesday said huffing a little while crying.

"I missed you too." I began to cry even more heavily and louder and so did Wednesday just not as loud as me.

  Wednesday pushes me off slightly and looks my face up and down and pulls me. Her soft lips planted on mine she lifts her hands and places them on the side of my cheek gently. I place my hand around her neck she pulls away and looks toward Eugene and Yoko.

  Yoko runs over to me and hugs me so tight it squeezes the air out of me.

"I missed you E." Yoko said softly "I missed you too Yok." I replied.

  I let go of her and kiss Eugene on the cheek and walk back over to Wednesday.

He puts his hand on his cheek and smiles.

  "Here," Wednesday said handing me her jacket because I was quite literally in my bra and underwear.

"Thank you, Willa," I said smiling on Wednesday.

She begins to cry again and digs her head into my neck and doesn't let go.

  About 5 minutes later she lets go of me and grabs tightly onto my hand and doesn't let go.

30 minutes later.

  We walk into the doors of Nevermore I look around and it's empty no one is there.

"Where is everyone?" I ask Wednesday.

  Wednesday turns around and looks at the stars and says "about 2 am. So everyone is sleeping right now we will tell them what happened tomorrow."

"Thank you Wends." me and her walk up the stairs and into our dorm.

  "Ew, what the fuck happened in here!?" I said looking at my side of the room.

"To what?" Wednesday said.

  "My side of the room!" I looked on Wednesday confused.

"Okay for one it's not your side of the room it's our room and second it was that Annie girl," Wednesday said shrugging.

  "Our?" I smiled while asking.

"Of course to be honest I'm just going to buy a bigger bed for us to sleep on because I don't want to be alone anymore. Is that okay with you?" Wednesday said scared not realizing what she said.

  I smiled before answering and ran over to her and hugged her. "Of course, that would be great," I whispered.

"Okay," Wednesday replied with a scratchy voice.

  "I'm going to take a shower I'll be back," I said to Wednesday.

"Wait." Wednesday said, "Can I just wait in the bathroom with you?" Wednesday asked.

  "Sure!" I replied.

We both walked into the bathroom and Wednesday turned around and closed her eyes so I could get undressed.

  I wouldn't care if she saw me naked though she's walked in on me multiple times but she makes it a big deal.

I get into the shower and Wednesday turns around and sits on the toilet waiting for me to be done.

30 minutes later.

We both got 15 minutes to shower each and we both didn't leave the bathroom until we were done I get out of the bathroom with Wednesday clinging to me the same I was clinging to her.

  We walk over to her bed and lay down on it with both of us cuddled up into a ball.

No one's POV:

Enid started to sob quietly and Wednesday looked up at her while laying down and sat up.

  "It's okay I promise," Wednesday said hugging her.

"I was so scared," Enid said sobbing more loudly. "I was in a dark endless void for what felt like year's Wednesday The only thing I heard was people's voices," Enid said now violently crying.

  "I know Enid it's okay I promise it's okay your back and safe," Wednesday said now tears forming around her eyes.

"Wednesday?" Enid asked hyperventilating. "Yes, Enid?" Wednesday replied.

  "Promise me. Promise me you'll never leave me ever again promise me." Enid asked hugging Wednesday tighter.

"Cross my heart hope to stay alive," Wednesday replied.

  "Thank you, Willa," Enid said relaxing her grip on Wednesday.

"You're welcome."  They began to stay in the same position until they peacefully fell asleep.

  GUYS only one more chapter left and then the series is over let me know what other book ideas I should do like more Wenclair, Wenclair short stories, or scream stores, fem readers.

I owe you guys because I haven't updated in a while so I will literally make any story you wish.

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