Don't tell Caleb

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I open up the door quickly and littrally shout :-There you're. I've been looking for you for hours!

Hanna and Zach turn to look at me. She looks really relieved. -Sorry I was just picking up some food.
She nervously looks at me then gave Zach a smile.

-I should go. I didn't give him the opportunity to answer her before we run out and into a backstreet.
-What the hell was that!

-I don't know but whatever it was don't tell Caleb! she begs.

-Of course I'm going to tell Caleb.

She looks away to check if there was anyone around.

-Hanna! He was touching you while he was about to put his tounge down your throat! He is like 30! He is engaged to Aria's mom! You've to tell her! Caleb as well!

She swallows hard and remains eye contact with me. -I can't tell Caleb about this. His criminal record isn't exactly clean. If he finds out will he do something stupid and you know we don't need any more attention from the police.

-You can't keep this from him! It's his job to make sure you're okay!

-It isn't his job at all! I can take care of myself!

-Hanna! You've cancer! You can't keep this to yourself! It is not good for your health! I shout.

She doesn't say a word. -No one support you better than Caleb! What are you so scared of?

She quickly zip up her jacket and thinks about my question. -I just don't want him to get worried. He is drinking Ali. He has been drinking since he came back from Ravenswood. I don't know what to do. she whispers.

If I've get to know Caleb right isn't he the kind if guy who would let his drinking get out of control. To be honest would I love to join him on the alcohol train.

-Did he come with you?

-He did but I told him to leave since I thought I was going to be there for a while.

I sigh and look towards the street.

-You understand that you've to tell Aria about this, right?

-I know. It's gonna be hard though. she mumbles.

-I know. The whole situation gives me "Déjà vu".
I'm just happy Aria didn't seen that. She wouldn't let Zach live 2 seconds longer.

Hanna looks in the direction of Ezra's apartment. Then looks at me in the eyes.

-How are you? I ask softly.

-I feel so cheap. I thought he was just being nice to me and trying to make me feel better but then suddenly he become too friendly and I didn't know what I was going to do.

I shake my head and pull her into a hug.
-The more I see of men the more do I want to get a dog. she comments.

I can't keep my laugher away. -That's why I love you. You have the tendency to come up with the most awesome comments no matter situation. You aren't like me in any way Hanna.

Her gaze doesn't look like she believes me.
-First of all you know what you want and you aren't scared to tell anyone that you love them. If there's anyone who is cheap here is it me who was with three guys at the same time.

She chuckles. -You were confused I get it and don't worry about Aria she will come around.

-I wish I could have been with you but Aria is not going to be happy to see me.

-I get it. You're not going home alone, right? she asks worried.

-Emily is picking me up. I say although I know it's not the truth.

-Ok. I have to talk to Aria. Let's hope her and Ezra are sleeping or watching a movie. I also have a tendency to always catch them doing something and I'm really not in the mood.

She left afterwards while I watched her walking into the building.
This is the moment where I should let Hanna take care of the situation by herself but I'm about to tell the biggest lie I've ever told and I'm not letting Hanna keep this from Caleb.
I know what I need to do. I need to call Caleb.

(Aria's pov)

I hug Hanna hard as I try to keep myself together. -I'm sorry. she says sobbing.
I don't know what I'm supposed to say. I'm just so disappointed.

-Who knows about this without us? I ask softly.

-No one. It happened for just 20 minutes ago. she answers.

-You're going to tell Caleb, right? Ezra asks.

-I can't. You can't tell Caleb. He is going to kill him.

-Of course he is going to kill him. I would have to if that bastard even came close to Aria. I give Ezra the death glare to make him calm down.

-Aria I get that you had a close relationship to this guy but you get he isn't a good guy when he cheat on your mom with your best friend.

His words make me realize what this means. -Oh god. He cheated on my mom. I say shocked and start crying a little.

-I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Hanna says.
-I know.

Hanna whipes away her tears then look over at Ezra. -Promise me you won't tell Caleb.

-Why? He deserves to know. It's his job to know all these things and help you out. I say.

-Because he has a drinking problem. It's has been going on since he came back from Ravenswood. I can't make him stress more because he will get worse and might get hurt.

Ezra sighs then asks suprised: -How bad is he?

-He isn't drunk or anything he just drinks every night before he goes to sleep. He doesn't give me any explanation he just says it helps him sleep. Hanna explains

-Maybe that is the truth. I comment.

-No. That is just how it starts. In the beginning it's only to fall asleep then there's just to calm down and before you know it are you ending up in rehab. Ezra comments.

-What am I going to do? Hanna asks.

-Nothing. You girls stay here while Toby and I will talk to Caleb. Ezra answers gently.

He is about to walk out when I stop him and whispers: -Don't do anything stupid.

-I can't promise you that. he whispers back. I sigh and fix his shirt collar to create some time. -When are you going to tell your mom? he asks.
-Tomorrow. I reply.
He gives me a boyish smile and says. -I'm really proud of you. Tragic you've to go through this again though.

I don't say anything. I don't have to either because he decides to kiss me softly before he walks out the door.

I sit down with Hanna on the couch. We snuggle close to each other before Hanna says: -Do you know why I love our boys?

I shake my head although I know she's talking about Toby, Caleb and Ezra.

-Because I know they would never do anything like that to us. All three of them are so loyal no matter how much trouble we make them go through. I know I should be thinking about how Zach treated me but the only thing that go through my mind is your mom.

-Yeah me too. Why is it so hard for her to be happy?

Just like Ezra she doesn't answer me, she just gives me a hug.

(Caleb's pov)

-Thanks for meeting me. Alison says when she get into my car.

-Nothing to thank for. I didn't have any choice. You understand I had to meet you when you said there is something wrong with Hanna.

-Yeah of course! I'm just thankful that you're even talking to me.

He nods awkwardly.

-Let's get this over with before I change my mind. she says.

-Why would you change your mind? If anything is wrong with Hanna I've the right to know! You can't keep information from us just because you want to!

-Hanna told me not to tell you! So just shut the fuck up and listen! she shouts.

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