Same blood

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(Hanna's pov)

After an half hour with tests and waiting for results + almost no sleep in ca. 48 hours. I'm so close to fall alsleep on Caleb's shoulder in the waiting room. -Are you sure you don't want to call your mom? he asks. -So she gets more concerned? Not thank you. I reply. -Why are you so overprotective over your mother? he asks. -I'm not overprotective. It is just she's just concerned for me more than she needs. When Alison came back she started to ask questions more than usual. If I were okay how I felt all the time. I just don't want her to stress up for nothing. I reply and look away.

-Hanna? he says. I look at him again. -I love you. he says. I smile. -I love you too. I whisper and place my lips on his.

Alright I know I should break up with Travis before I start saying I love you to Caleb again but I can't help it. -I'll break up with him tonight. I say and pull back. -Hanna. You don't need to decide now. I mean....he doesn't finish his sentence before I interupt. -Didn't you hear me? "I love you". You are the only one and you will always be that. And I feel terrible that I've been complaining over something like malnutrition. When I haven't asked you what happened in Ravenswood that probably is thousands times worse. When we come home I'll break up with Travis and I'll be ready to hear everything you want to tell me. I say and run my fingers through his hair.

He shakes his head and grins. -God I've missed you. he says and holds my hand. We are so lost in the moment that we don't notice the doctor. -Hanna Marin. The doctor says. He is around 50 and looks like he has worked as a doctor for at least 20 years.

We stand up and follows the doctor to his office. Caleb has right I probably miss some blood because of malnutrition in the prison. I mean it is a prison although.

-Sit down. The doctor says as he takes on some glasses. We sits down on chairs besides each other as the doctor sits down on his office chair. -Not this is any of my business but is he family? the doctors asks and looks at Caleb. I open my mouth to answer but Caleb answers first: -I'm her husband. he lies fast. I've to hide my smile when he says that. -I see. the doctor says.

-Have your nose bleed a lot lately? he asks. -A couple times. I reply. -Bleeding in the gums? he asks. -No. I reply. What is he a dentist?

-Are you dizzy often? he asks. -More than twice a week. I reply -Weight loss? Bruises? he asks a final time. I nod.

-You were arrested in week right? he asks and takes up a folder from the desk. He opens it and reads.

-All this is probably because of poor conditions in prison. Caleb says. I start getting nervous and grab Caleb hand in mine. -I'm sorry to say this isn't because of malnutrition. he says and looks up from the folder. -This will probably be hard for you to hear. he countiniues. -What is it?! I say nervous you know what screw nervous. I'm terrified.

-You've leukemia.

(Spencer's pov)

-Spencer? Ezra says suprised when he opens the door. -Can I come in? I ask. 

-Sure but Aria isn't here. he says and opens the door to let me in. -I know that's why I came. I mumble. He closes the door and turn to look at me. How should I start?

-You look upset. What’s wrong? he asks. I swallow hard and try to held back my tears. -I'm adopted. I tell him. He looks at me shocked. I can see he is trying to say something like: "I'm so sorry". Typical him.

-Have you told anyone about this? Toby, any of the girls or Melissa? he asks. -No. I reply. -Why do you come to me with this?he asks.

There was the question I were afraid of. -Because..well....I can't even finish my sentence. I take the document out of my purse. I reach it to him and wait for him to take it. He hastiates but he takes it and starts reading. Then he looks up at me.

-Because I might be your sister.

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