Girls don't fight fair

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(Spencer's pov)

-His situation is getting better and it looks like he can go home in a couple of days. the nurse explains. -That's good. Thank you. I reply.

I walk back to Caleb who is recently looking into Aria's room through the window. -Spencer? he says without looking away from the window.

-What? I ask

-Just look and tell me this isn't something that happens in my head. he says very suprised.

I do as told although I don't understand what he means.

I grab his shoulder for support when I understand what he's talking about. Oh my god. A smile crosses my lips while tears form in my eyes. -This isn't happening in your head! I scream of joy.

I run into Aria's hospital room while Caleb is going to get Emily and Alison.

For 15 seconds I just look at Aria and Ezra who is sleeping in her arms. He must have been here when she woke up.

She just sit there with Ezra sleeping in her arms and doesn't know a thing that has happened to him. How do you say to your best friend that she was so close to die that her boyfriend several times wanted to kill himself?

Tears keep running down my cheeks like a waterfall. She's alive. She's really alive. Wren's plan failed.

I start sobbing like crazy while I look at her. 

-Not you too. I hear her beautiful voice whisperes weakly. Before I even know it I'm in her arms and crying as well. Alison and Emily do the same when they walk in some seconds later.

Everyone are crying like there is no tomorrow. I know Caleb still stands in the doorway and tries to keep his shit together.
-I don't understand the Fitz family. You don't cry a little tear in front of anyone before I end up in the hospital for a couple of days. Aria chuckles.

Emily, Alison and I withdraw from Aria and turns silent. Who is going to tell her?

Alison is about to say something but I look at her strictly.

-Can you get Hanna? Alison asks Caleb.

-Yes of course.

I hold Aria's hand hard and she kisses my forhead. -What's going on with you two? she asks whispering.

-I can't tell you.

She doesn't get to ask any further before Caleb drives Hanna into the room in a wheelchair.

Hanna sobs hysterical so does Aria but for another reason. There's not a hair left on Hanna's head.

We move away from Aria so Hanna can reach her.

-Are you okay, Han?

-I'm now. she says and hugs Aria.

-It's finally over. Emily says in tears.

-It's finally over. Alison repeats.

(Aria's pov)

He tells me to breath in and out over and over again as he listen to my breathing with this thing I can't remember the name of. My lungs has been hurting all day and I don't have any idea what I'm going to do with it.

-How are you feeling? David asks me.

-I think you can hear the answer. I say with a chuckle.

He smiles as he looks through my files.

-I need to know that you trust me.

-I'm 100% honest when I tell you that you are the only doctor I trust at this point.

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