Alone in the bathroom

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(Hanna's pov)

-Wait were did you do it? Emily asks after everyone is done with the laughing about my comment. Which took like ten minutes. -Why are you guys so interested? Aria asks. -Don't give us that tone. Remember I'm the one who have the credit for you two and I'm gonna use that as often as I can. Alison says to tease Aria. Then I can't hold on to it anymore! -They did it in the row boat! I shout and everyone looks at me as their jaw drops. -That was my grandfathers boat! Spencer says pissed. -Can we please change topic?! Ezra asks.

I'm about to come up with a comment that will make them blush. But suddenly I feel something cold running down from my face and down to my shirt. It is comming from my nose. I take my hand up to my nose to make it stop draining. I understand it is blood. It is a lot too. That much it look more purple than red. Caleb notices and pushes my head carefully back. -Not again. I mumble for myself. -Come Han. We fix this in the bathroom. Caleb says and stands up from the floor. I keep my head back and try to stand up without looking like Bambi.

Caleb leads me to the bathroom cause you know I can just see the roof when my head is in this angle. Although my head is in this position my hand gets more and more blood on.

-Sit down. Caleb says when we arrive the bathroom. I sit down on the edge of the bathtub. I'm getting tired of looking at the roof so I just let my head down to the orginal position. Caleb finds a towel in the bathroom closet under the sink. He takes water on it and grabs some paper too.

-I look like a zombie. Blood everywhere. I comment trying to not get any blood in my mouth. -I would rather call you vampire but I guess zombies have a lot of blood spread around their face too. he says and chuckles. I grin and shake my head. -Now take your hand away. Caleb says and I moves my hand carefully away from my nose. He gives me some paper to take away the blood on my hand as he takes care of my nose. -Did you take a doctorate in Ravenswood? I joke. -No I just want to impress you. he says and cleans up the blood from under my nose.

Then he cleans what's left with the wet towel. -I didn't know it was possible to bleed that much from someones nose. But it stopped. he says and sits besides me. He rubs my back. -Ahh. I says in pain. He takes his hand fast away. -What is it? he asks. -I don't know. It just hurts. I say. -Can I see? he asks. I nods. I take of my shirt.

(Caleb's pov)

She takes off her blody shirt and turn her almost bare back to me. It's not starnge that she is in pain. She has at least 5 bruises on her back and one on her left arm. The first thought that runs through my head is that someone did this.

-Did Travis do this to you?! I ask just one level from yelling. She turns around. -What? What do you mean? she asks. -You've many bruises on your back. I reply. -How can I? I haven't got hurt in like forever especially not on my back. Well I've been dizzy sometimes and my nose I've been bleeding more than twice but my back haven't got hurt. she says stressed. So I guess my theory were wrong.

-What if I'm sick? she asks and starts to get panic. -Han, you were in jail in one and a half week. You're not used to live in holes like that. You're probably a little malnourished and misses some blood. I say and stroke her arm. -Okay. she says and nods. -When we come home we'll go to a doctor and take some tests. It is nothing to worry about. This is completely normal. I tell her and try to calm her down. She hugs me. I take off my grey hoodie and take it around her since she is only wearing her bra on her torso. Then I take my arms around her and hugs her.

She looks up at me with tears. -Caleb?she whispers. -Yes? I ask. -I just want you to know it isn't any me and Travis when you're here. she says and rest her head on my chest. I run my fingers through her hair.

How long we have been in this position is a big question. All I know is that I've got my Hanna back.

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