Victims together

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(Aria's pov 7:00pm)

How could I be so selfish. I can't do this to him. I walk down the hall. After a nice dinner with my mom I should be happy, but I'm not. I can feel that my eyes are wet. I walk into his apartment. -Ezra?

-Hey, honey. How was the dinner with your mom. he says and smiles. I walk over to him. I sit down on the bed. I can see that he's trying to make it look like he has it just fine. He is still a little weak. -I said that never would leave your side again. But I think you need to leave me. I mumble and look him in the eyes. -What are you talking about? He looks shocked at me and takes my hand. -I can't let A do anythinhg to you. I explain and start crying a little. -You have to leave me before you become a victim too. I let go of his hand. -Listen to me Aria. I have left you two times. They both are two of the biggest mistakes I've ever done. he says as he takes his hand on my cheek. -Look what A did to you. I say and takes his other hand in mine. -Last time I lost you. I decided to do anythinhg to get you back. I didn't have to do that if I had told you the truth in the first place. I've no plan to let you leave me only to keep me safe. He says and look deeply into my eyes. -But...I say before he interrupts me. -I'm already a victim. So why not be victims together? he asks. I've to smile. -Are you sure? I asks. -You don't even have to ask. I'm not gonna let go of the best thing that's ever happend to me. He moves his hand from my cheek to my hand. I whipe away my tears. I look at him. -I'm gonna help you stop A. I don't care how dangerous it is. he explains. I've to smile I can't help it. He sits up. I hug him tightly but still careful. He takes his strong arms around me. -And when I find out. That person gonna be so dead. He says in a way that makes me laugh. 

(Toby's pov)

-So where are you going? Spencer asks as I pack some stuff. -My uncle. I lie and begin to pack again.
-Somewhere special? she asks.
-Georgia. I reply without looking at her. -What is wrong? She walks between me and my stuff. She stands in the way and she know it. -I know when you are hiding something. she cross her arms and looks annoyed at me.

-I was at Ezra's place today. He showed me something. I explain and finally looks at her. She looks suprised. -What did he show you? she asks. -I can't tell you. But I promise when I'm back I'll tell you. I say and take her hand. -Why can't you tell me now? she asks. -Please trust me. I get closer to her. -Okay. she says and takes my other hand. -You are going alone? She looks suprised at me. I was going to answer but someone replies for me. -No.I'm going too. We turn around. -Caleb? Spencer says suprised.  

(Emily's pov)

Alison and I are sitting on my bed and eating frozen yougurt.
-Wait you actually said that to him? I ask as I almost laugh myself to death. -Yes. You should have been there. He looked so scared. she says and  laughs at least as hard as me. -Alright if I get it. You walked in to his apartment and said: "If you ever break her heart again Hanna and I will beat you up". I say still laughing. -No I said something before that I have some class. she says and countiniues eating. I take my phone out of my pocket. Two new messages. Both from Paige. ''Can we talk?'' and ''I'm sorry. Can we please talk'' I put my phone in my pocket again. -Are you alright Em?she asks. -Not really. I look up at her.

-It's Paige isn't it? she asks and places her hand on my shoulder. -Yes. I reply. -I'm sorry. she apologizes. -Don't be. I say and hug her tightly. I'm suprised how good she takes it that her mother dissepeard. Maybe she is little relived. She have been staying at my house since we came home from New york. But I haven't asked her about her mother. -Hey. Alison says suprised. I turn around. -Paige? I says suprised and annoyed.

(Hanna's pov)

-Dectectiv Holbrook? What are you doing here? I ask the second I open the door. Are they after my mom again. Two other police officers stand besides him. -Miss Marin. You are arrested. he says. My heart stops for a second -What?! For what?! -For attempted murder on Ezra Fitz. Please turn around.

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