Those we love the most

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I stare at him in pure shock. His voice. No wonder why no one of us recognized him.


-That's simple Spencer. But we can take that later. he whispers with a perfect American accent.

He grabs my arm and leans my back against a tree. Before tonight his presence made me comfortable. Tonight it makes me scared. He stares at me and suddenly places his hand on my cheek.

-Wren stop it. I tell him calm.

-I asume you like the British accent better. he says with a smirk and the accent I'm used to hear.

He places his hand on my hip to hold me in place. I look at him in disgust. I can't believe Melissa dated him. How could we be so blind? Maybe I should ask why I was so blind. "I have protected you since it started". She protected me from him.

I push my knee up against his crotch which makes him slap me in the face as he moans in pain.

Another moan escapes his mouth when he suddenly gets punched in the face. I don't get the time to think before I feel someone push themselves in front of me then Wren gets pushed against a tree.

-Don't you dare to ever touch my little sister again! Ezra shouts at him then grabs a hold of his shirt to force Wren to look him straight in the eyes.

For one tiny second I forget what's going on. He actually called me that? He actually called me his little sister. One thing is to be called his sister. That's just a result of a DNA test. But to be called his little sister, makes me realize we're actually family. I smile carefully then I come back to reality.

-Looking for your lovers? he asks with a grin.

-If you have as little as touched Aria's forhead I swear to God I'll beat you up so hard that you'll lose your accent!!!!! Ezra yells.

I've never seen him so violent but to be honest I would have done the same to Wren if Ezra didn't caught him first. Wren just grins which makes me pissed.

-You've gotten better taste of women Ezra. She is a lot better choice than Alison. What a bitch. Made me fall for her and give her all I had. Just to find out that she was gay and loved Emily. Exactly like you Spencer. he says and looks at me.

Then he countiniues: -I was just a replacement for that carpenter. I was some guy all of you bitches were going to when you had broken up with your boyfriend and then run back to their arms when they came back. It wasn't hard to take over the A-team when Mona was at Radley and give you what you deserve. he says as a sick smile came across his face

Then Ezra have gotten enough. He slaps him in the face again with the hand he is not holding Wren's shirt with. -WHERE ARE THEY!!!? he yells.

-You mean that slut and Spencer's little toy?

I push Ezra aside then hold Wren the same way he did. -Now you're going to listen to me before I kick you in the nuts again. I'm so close to choke every little drop of air you have in your lungs because of everything you did to those people I love. So if you're not telling me where Aria and Toby are, my face will be the last thing you see.

He chuckles again with a wide smile.

-Did you hear what she told you? Ezra says provoked.

Wren looks at Ezra seriously. -In the cabin I borrowed you. Don't you remember? I was that friend who went to Europe. The friend you told about your big affection for Aria to. I guess you don't remember because of the memory loss of yours. he says to him.

I let go of Wren's shirt. -Go and save your girlfriend. You've done it before. But the time is ticking. he says and grins again. -Same with you Spencer. Toby can't hold out forever. he says.

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