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Alissa's POV:

"Sure...? You're worrying me. Is everything okay?" She said, with a worried expression on her face.

"Fuck... okay so. The shortest way I can explain it right now is... A girl named Angela who is a complete asshole, treated me like shit, shoved me into a pool, and bullied me most of my life might be involved with Matt... in a romantic way..."

Hailey's POV:

My heart kind of dropped a little. Or... a lot. As short as she made that story, it was still a lot to take in and the first thing I could even think to say was, "Holy shit! She shoved you into a pool... that's a dick move."

"Hailey... this is fucking serious. Angela has done some really fucked up shit, okay? If Matt gets involved things could go bad quickly." She says while looking down.

"Yeah... you're right. I'll talk to him about it don't worry." I say.

"Hailey, aren't you upset...?" She said with a confused look on her face.


"Nope, I mean I'm worried about Matt, but I'm sure it'll be okay." I said with a light smile on my face.

I'm scared it won't be okay.

"Okay... well uhm. Yeah I just wanted to tell you that in person, sorry for bothering you...?" Alissa said, still sounding confused. What did she expect? For me to cry because he might be in love with someone else? It's whatever, I'm not worried, he's my best friend so I'm happy for him if he finds love, but I'm going to make sure it's with someone who deserves him.

"Uhm... Hailey? You're crying..." Alissa said.

"I am...?" I asked as I wiped under my eyes. Fuck I am.

"I should go. Bye Alissa! I'll talk to Matt!" I said quickly, as I left her apartment and went back to the Sturniolo's house.

Nick's POV:

Okay. So this is bad. Hailey could take it way out of context, and Alissa is telling Hailey about the fact that apparently this Angela girl is a shitty human being.

"NICK!" Chris yelled as he ran into my room and slammed the door behind him.

"We got a problem? Yeah I fucking know, you're a little late to the party." I said rudely, because I'm actually a little pissed right now.

"Geez, okay fuck. Sorry. I was gonna say that Matt says he likes Hailey as more than a friend one minute, but the next he's out with another girl." Chris responded with a frown.

"CHRIS! You fucking idiot. That's the problem I already fucking know. Wait, Matt admitted to liking Hailey...?" I said with shock on my face.

"Yes, he fucking did. It doesn't matter though because the idiot doesn't want to tell her how he really feels, and now he's been caught hanging out with FUCKING ANGELA. Do you know what that bitch did to Alissa?!" Chris yells.

"Yeah.. sort of?" I said. "I don't know the full story, okay? But I know enough to understand she's clearly a bitch, considering that shit was bad."

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