ii. the meeting

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"I never thought I will be able to meet you again, my Shah

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"I never thought I will be able to meet you again, my Shah."

The words were hollow to Shahryar's ears. By now, he knew that having a heart costed a million lives, and the sooner he learnt to give up on the bloody scarlet beauty he would rise as the supreme.

He didn't reply to the man, but his hazahrapatish, Parmenion did. "Why did you request an audience at this untimely hour?"

The skies had just ceased to shriek at the cliff of dawn. It was still draped in the curtain of night, sewn by beady stars peeking after the departure of clouds. Even though sleep had been reluctant to ease Shahryar ever since the death of his first wife, he didn't wish to be pushed out of his bed when it was still dark.

But he was the Shah– the hundredth Shah of Persia and thus carried a burden of expectations. And the man in front of him was none other than his late father's favourite and confidante– Damun's cupbearer.

"I have found a spouse for you, Shah."

Parmenion's eyes widened. He looked askance at Bagaos. "With due respect, Bagaos, are you aware of the fact that noble families have refused to make an union with the royal bloodline? At such a time of chaos you bring to us the news of light. Are you sure it's true?"

"It's as true as my loyalty to Persia's throne. I am speaking the truth."

"Do you understand that if this is a joke, or if somehow the party later disagrees to this match, you will be in serious trouble?"

"I am aware of it all, Parmenion. I tell everything consciously."

Shahryar reclined in his throne, his deep set eyes lost in a myriad of emotions. Unblinking, he stared at Bagaos, who struggled to handle its intensity. "Who is the maiden, Bagaos?"

And finally Shahryar's voice silenced every other hiss and swish of the wind, suppressing even the alarmed beating of hearts. Bagaos gasped upon hearing him– the tuneful voice of childhood had grown deeper and heavier.

Parmenion glared at Bagaos. A blizzard icy froze the still strong veins of his body. He had heard that Bagaos had a niece. The blood pumping in his heart coagulated.

Bagaos loosened his collar, sweating profusely. "It is not a maiden, Shah. It is a man who has expressed his desire to marry you."

Shahryar's eyebrows shot up, so did Parmenion's, who considered the words for a moment with lips parted in amusement. Shahryar's fingers glided across the gilded sides of the throne, head cocked to the side.

Parmenion squinted at Bagaos. "Is he of noble descent?"

"He is. He is the son of someone who was very close to the great Shah Damun."

Shahryar rose from his seat. Heavy steps clomped down the stairs. Ripples of wave traveled through his huge midnight-blue cloak that casted a black shadow behind the Shah, which followed him like a stubborn mistress. 

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