xviii. red

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Shahrazad had a hard time trying to sleep

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Shahrazad had a hard time trying to sleep. While Shahryar slept like a log, Shahrazad kept tossing in his bed and was awoke before dawn. Seeing no chance that sleep would come he went for a walk in the garden.

When he was a child he used to play hide and seek with Shahryar in the same garden. It was far more beautiful back then– the green looked healthier, there were a bunch of flowers dipped in rainbows and a sophisticated charm to the lap of nature. Now, even though the raw viridescent trees and bushes filled the garden, Shahrazad clicked his tongue upon feeling the rough edges of the leaves. It pained his eyes to see them descend into wilderness, unlike the olden times when the green would be trimmed to perfection. There were so many tired flowers drooping like a burden had been put on them.

"Shahryar isn't happy at all."

Maybe Shahrazad would have to teach him how to love and care. These plants were as special as children.

"And it's so wonderful to nourish something with your own hands."

They had too nourished their relationship with love. A clement smile on his face grew deeper into a blush as fond memories lighted up his mind, much like the rising sun spreading its colours of red and orange.

"Did I ever think we would end up in this way?"

Each day after their separation, when it had become obvious that Bagaos wouldn't return to the palace, Shahrazad used to crave for Shahryar's companionship. It was the abstract love of a child who knew not anything else in the world, but as youth touched his mind, he reshaped his love into something deeper– a fantasy to dream, to wish.

"If only we had not been separated... he would have remembered me. If only Baba wasn't accused..."

Whenever his mind went back to that point, he flinched. It hurt him to know that his Baba had to go through such an ugly ordeal. It pained him more to know that it was a love between men that was criticised. And it angered him when he realised his own blood had caused the friction.


Like an uninvited guest in his abode of thoughts Shahryar barged in without warning. Shahrazad felt a warmth surging in his chest when he saw Shahryar's tousled hair and sleepy eyes. He had wrapped a somewhat rumpled shawl around his body.

"You didn't sleep last night."

Shahrazad nodded.

"Don't worry. I will make sure your sister is safe."

"I will be happy to endure pain, however bad it may be, than to see my family suffer."

Shahryar looked down at his bare feet. A pensive crease appeared between his brows. "When I think of it, everything really overwhelms me, Shahrazad."

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