xv. a challenge

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Shahrazad was back in the forbidden room

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Shahrazad was back in the forbidden room. This time too the door had opened on its own, but the interior of the room wasn't as ugly as before– someone had mopped the floor, dusted the walls and removed the cobwebs. Two things, still unaltered, were the spots of blood on the bedsheets, now clearly visible to Shahrazad and the satiny robe which was neatly kept on the bed.

"I know who you are."

Shahrazad heard a faint chuckle. It made him squirm.

"And who am I?"

Shahrazad went closer to the bed, staring at the crimson stains. He wondered if the blood belonged to her...

"The first bloom of spring, beautiful and sunny
Dare not go by her charm, a witch in the making
Stabbing the Shah's bed she slept with the Eyes and Ears
Dawn took her life, the beginning of a storm."

The woman took shape. The tresses of her long hair that reached the hips had a will of its own, moving like tendrils of death.

"Nafisa, the first wife, who was executed due to adultery."

Shahrazad braced himself for an upcoming attack. He had the slight inkling of having angered the poor spirit. He had his fan in possession, but he didn't know if it would work against a spirit who suffered such a gruesome death.

"And what do you conclude, hundredth consort?"

Shahrazad couldn't look into her blazing eyes. Yes, those blackest pupils burnt as she asked him the question. But it wasn't a fire directed at him; he only felt the warmth of it, while the woman herself turned to ashes internally.

"You were framed. They killed you, the conspirators. And also the loyal spy."

She smiled. She floated closer towards Shahrazad, gently feeling his cheeks against her cold palms.

"You know who did this to you and to all the maidens following."

"I do, Son of Mah, but I am bound to not speak on the affairs of my mortal life. I can only guide you."

Shahrazad wasn't ready to trust any of the men of the palace. His father had particularly warned him against a certain figure.

"Then, guide me, Nafisa."

"It feels so good to hear my name from your lips, my friend. Ah, please don't be upset when I call you a friend. I don't have many here."

"To befriend a human is a daunting task. The men of this palace are more sinister than spirits. You all are, quite benevolent, it seems."

"We are in pain."

Shahrazad grasped her bony fingers. It was so strange to feel someone from the other-world. Once, this body had a life too, constituted of flesh and blood and a beating heart. Now, she was stuck here, craving for liberation.

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