Tortured P2

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Muzan's POV:
Akaza that little traitor! He thinks he can defy me?! Maybe having Rengoku here wasn't the best idea..Akaza is one of my strongest and to see him like I need to discipline him...! He needs to know not to defy me.
Uzui POV:
We finally found where the demons went! We planned to kill them all..I just hope Rengoku is safe and the others too. We planned to go in the day so they can't escape. I just hope we don't find something we don't want...
Sanemi POV:
Those damn demons! Taking Giyuu was the worst thing they could've done! He's not dead though..definitely not dead..!Can't be..! "Nemi!" I hear Obani calling my name and I turn around and smile. " Yes Oba?" "Come on we gotta get ready to save Giyuu" Finally I thought this day would never come!
Akaza POV:
Muzan called me to his room instead of his office. I don't know what he's planning but I don't like it. He wanted me to bring Rengoku along which makes me get a bad feeling. I knocked and he told me to come in so I did. I bowed and asked why he called me. I was unsure of what he was planning so I told Kokushibo and Enmu to follow me. If only Muzan realized that just because Kokushibo and Enmu are dating doesn't mean they don't wanna be with you. He told me to go into the room near his bed so I did and Rengoku followed. I saw that red haired boy and the water hashira tied up to the wall naked in fact. I was about to go out when Muzan locked the door. He brought out a whip and a few other tools that was most likely used for torturing the other two.
Enmu POV:
A few moments later after Akaza and that flame hashira went into the room with Muzan, I heard screams of pain and then I heard Akaza name being yelled and smelled a little of his blood. "Enmu go get Douma while I get Muzan to stop!" "O-Okay Koku!" I ran as fast as I could to get Douma and I finally made it to his room. "Douma! Douma!" I heard a yawn and a growl. He opened the door shirtless and I stared for a second before going back to myself. "What.I was sleeping y'a know." "You like Akaza right?!" "Yes he's a good friend!" " No I mean you like him more than that right I've seen the way you look at him!" I saw his face turn red. "Well yes but I never thought he liked me like that so I just decided to be friends." Perfect! "Well we have to save your future boyfriend let's go!" "W-Wait-" I dragged him along with me to Muzan room and found the door busted open and a secret door by his bed. We walked in to find Muzan still standing and Kokushibo bleeding but isn't going to die. We also saw the three demon slayers bleeding a lot and Akaza coughing and bleeding. I ran to Kokushibo and asked if he was okay. He said he was but he didn't look it.
Douma POV:
I saw Akaza on the floor bleeding and I ran over to him. "Aka are you okay..?" I put his head in my lap and hugged him. "A-Aka...we doing pet names now..?" I laughed at the fact that he would joke like this. "Don't stop laughing..your laugh is beautiful..Dou" I cut my hand and made him drink some of my blood since he didn't want to eat the demon slayers. Muzan walked over to me and pulled my hair. I screamed in pain and Akaza grabbed his hand and yanked it away from my hair. (A/n: Yandere/over protective Akaza anyone?) "Master Muzan I'm sorry for disappointing you but please I ask you don't touch him.." Akaza...He protected me..? He turned around to face me and I looked into his eyes and he smiled. "When this is over Dou I want to marry you!" I- He wants-oh oh oh wow- "You better stick to that Aka!" "Now Kokushibo!" I looked at him and nodded.
Enmu POV:
"Master Muzan stop!" I grabbed his hand and intertwined it with mine. "Why do you want them?! Me and Koku like you y'a know!" I blushes at what I said and turned away. "You what-?" "I said we like you-No we love you!" I looked at him and pouted until I seen his face turn red. I turned to Koku and nodded. Koku walked up to Muzan seeing as he healed himself. He grabbed his by his waist and kissed him. I giggled at how red Muzan turned. I walked over and kissed him as well. "How come Koku got the first taste Mu~?"
Uzui POV:
We busted into the Demon's hideout which looked actually really cool. No one heard and that was good so we didn't have to fight. I heard noises so I motioned for everyone else to follow where it was coming from.
No one POV:
The demon slayers bust into the office where they saw Kokushibo, Muzan, and Enmu and hood thing they weren't naked yet. They didn't want trouble so they asked where the others were and left. They finally reached the busted closet and saw their boyfriends. Uzui ran to Rengoku, Sanemi and Iguro to Giyuu, and Zenitsu to Tanjiro.
Rengoku POV:
"U-Uzui.." I looked up and saw Uzui crouch down beside me. "Baby what happened? What did they do?" "I only got beat..It's not as bad as those two who got r*ped" "We should get you guys to Shinobu..!" "Thank you...for coming" " Of course I would I would rather die than not have you with me Kyo" "Love you Tengen" "Love you too Kyo"
Tanjiro POV:
Zenitsu actually came for me. "Tanji...Im sorry if I hurt you but I'm going to have to pick you up.." "Zen  it's fine ..." "I don't think I got the chance yet but I love you so don't die" "I love you too Zen and I won't I promise"
Giyuu POV:
"Nemi? Oba?" "Hey your awake" "You were out for a while" I was? They both look very worried. "Sorry I worried you.." Sanemi ruffles my hair and Oba kisses my forehead. "It's fine it's not your fault just glad your alive" "Thank you both!"

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