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I paced back and forth in the back of the classroom. It was Danny's secret, not mine. I don't know of Sam and Tucker or anyone else knows. He doesn't want me to know or he would've told me earlier. " Morning Y/N. " Tucker waved, causing me to stop pacing. Danny and Sam show up behind him. More people start to fill the room so as soon as the 3 sat next to me I walked away and went with Paulina. The fact that I dated him is hard to think about, it makes me flustered just thinking about it. The best way not to think about it is if I'm around Paulina. " Y/N, I have a crush!" She squealed, grabbing my hands. " It's the ghost boy, Invisobill! " She sighed, but a happy sigh. She doesn't know that ' Invisobill 'is Danny, but I do. I don't want her to like him though, he's a geek, and she doesn't like geeks. " Today we will be teaming up for a important project. It'll be a play, everyone will have a part. No matter if it's back stage, the main character, or a blade of grass. " Mr.Lancer said excitedly. This could help me get my mind off of Danny, and be fun. " I would like it if you could all follow me to the auditorium. " He instructed and we all followed behind. " I wonder what kind of play it will be. I hope I have something that isn't high maintenance but shows me off. " Paulina smiled. The only way she would get the part is because of her looks. " Hey Y/N, you left us back there, you excited for the play?" Danny asked awkwardly. " Um, I don't know. " I lied and grabbed Paulina's hand so we could speed up. Sure it might have been mean, but this play was important.

When we got to the theater Mr.Lancer handed everyone a script. We all went in order of where we were standing. Not many people were good at all, but when it was my turn I was determined. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. An actor must adapt to their surroundings and environment. " My bounty is as deep as the sea, My love as deep. The more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite..." I said aloud and ended with a bow. Next was Danny. " Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath. Hath had no power, yet upon thy beauty..." He also bowed. Yes, he was pretty good, maybe the best.


I decided to head to the park before heading home. I sat on the seesaws, slid down the slides, and swung on swings, all by myself. I heard a noise and turned to see where it was coming from. Just my was Danny. He sat next to me and pushed himself. " Hey Y/N, you've been acting weird lately. Something wrong?" He asked me. " Nothings wrong Danny." I smiled and lied. " I know something is bothering you, just tell me what it is. " He rubbed my shoulder. " I'm so sorry for lying!" I gave in and began to cry. He stayed silent, signaling for me to continue. " I did remember what happened, I remember when Kitty took over my body, I remember kissing you, and holding your hand, I even remember that you're Danny Phantom..." He lets out a sigh before speaking. " Why are you sorry? I should be the one who's sorry..." He asks confused. " I now know your identity, even though you don't want me to know, I played with your feelings, made you date me out of pity, and so much more! " I frowned. He put his hand over mine. " I should have told you earlier. And about the Kitty thing, it was just her controlling you so you don't gotta worry about it. " I looked at him again, we continued to look each other in the eyes for a few minutes. " You actually liked it. You actually liked dating ' Me '. What if I can't be like I was earlier? What if you don't want to be my friend anymore because of that?" I sigh and burry my head back into my hands and began crying again. He grabs my hand and flies me to my house and into my bedroom. He sits on my bed and I leaned against him. "'s okay Y/N, everything's alright..." He cooed. We stayed in this position for a while. " I didn't hate it..." Danny says randomly. " Huh?" I asked confused. " Dating you. I didn't hate dating you. Except for the y'know, evil part..." I giggled at his statement. It was always nice talking to Danny, no matter what form he was in...

•Swiped Right Off My Feet• Danny Phantom x Fem-ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now