Welcome To the Circus° part 2

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TW: mentions of death 💀

" We welcome a performer that puts death in this  death-defying act itself, o present to you, The Grim Reaper!"  The ' Grim Reaper ' steps out behind the curtain and walks onto the rope. He puts his scythe into the rope and does a handstand on it. It is quite magnificent if I'm being honest, but I'm not sure why anyone would want to do something so dangerous. Sam pulled me into the back of the tent, there was a sign that said " Staff only " on the entrance, maybe she didn't see it. " Sam, it's staff only. " I told her so we could leave. She shushed me and continued to look around. " What are you kids doing back here?" A familiar voice asked. It was Freak Show. " You're Freak Show! Wait, Sam, focus focus focus!" She got all excited. I wasn't as excited as she was. His bald head and red eyes were quite unwelcoming. " We're looking for a friend of ours who was acting kinda weird. " I ask him. " Well, that narrows it down to about let's see...everyone in this tent!" He laughed and got all up in our faces. " What are you doing here you dud? Get back to work!" Freak show yelled and pointed to the exit as Grim Reaper walked in. He pulled down his hood to reveal none other than Danny. " Y/N, Sam?" He questioned, raising a brow.  " W-What? Is that free will? " Freak Show stuttered and held out his staff. The red gem started to glow and so did Danny's eyes. " Are you controlling him?" Sam asks confused. " Get them. " He demanded. Danny walked closer to us and swung his scythe around, trying to cut off our heads. He grabbed us both by our collars and put us on the tightrope. " Behold our newest performers who will be walking the tightrope tonight. " He then blindfolded us and threatened to push us to our death if we didn't walk across. " Danny listen, you don't wanna do this, you're being controlled!" Sam pleaded. All he did was smirk and laugh at our statements. She reluctantly obeyed, not wanting to make the situation worse, but I was scared. When I was flying it was better because Danny would never drop me, but here Danny wouldn't mind if I fell to my death. Sam succeeded in walking across while I was still in the same spot. " Oh well, you were too slow..." Danny chuckled. I suddenly felt the rope underneath me snap. I screamed at the top of my lungs, not wanting this to be the time I die. I shut my eyes as tight as possible but felt something grab me. It was Danny, he made the crowd cheer as he swiftly glided in the air with me in his arms. When he put me down I didn't say a thing. There was nothing to say. He held his head, looking like he has a headache. " How would you prefer I scare you Y/N? " He asked rhetorically and moved out of the way so Freak Show could speak. " Geeze Y/N, you gave us a heart attack!" Tucker said worriedly as he grabbed my shoulder. " Can't we just take time off of your goth-paluza and actually look for Danny?" He asked Sam a bit annoyed. " That was Danny, Freak Show's controlling him!" Sam replied with her hands on her hips. They both pulled me outside and sat me down on a bench so I could catch my breath. My life literally flashed before my eyes just then. " Sam, shouldn't you be in detention?" Mrs. Manson asked angrily, tapping her foot on the ground. " And shouldn't Danny be with you 3?" Mr. Fenton questioned with a sign up in the air. I glanced around a bit, trying to see if my mom was here. She's not really onto this political stuff though. Sam's mom held up a paper that had information about an restraining order.  That's harsh! Sure some friends can be bad influences but gosh, that's extreme!

" Guys, check the news channel. Danny's on it." Tucker told us.

" Security is now revealing the ghostly culprits of the resent robberies across town. Invisobill and his crew." The news caster said and showed footage of Danny Phantom phasing through a bank door to steak some golden bars and jewelry. That was horrible, Danny stealing wasn't good. " You see how bad that is? We gotta go save Danny! They're really putting bad on his name. " Tucker said worriedly. " You know it's so ironic that I'm under house arrest and my parents get to see the Circus Gothica for free!" Sam pouted. " Well, it's slightly less ironic that they were right about it being evil. " I giggled. We told each other to meet at the circus so that we could capture Danny. Luckily my mom wasn't home, instead busy driving to some kind of job thing she has to go to in the morning.

We snuck over to a train and climbed on top, only to find Freak Show's crystal ball. Danny kicked all 3 of us off of the train and onto the tracks. " Danny no!" Sam yelled as we tried to catch up to the train. We all climbed up a over pass and held hands, jumping off on the train. We barely even made it. " I'll never hear the end of it if my parents were right about being evil..." Sam sighed. We dusted ourselves off and saw a few ghosts appear in front of us, with Danny behind us. " Danny it's us, Sam, Y/N, and Tucker...we're your best f friends! Remember?" We begged him to snap out of it. We all just stood there worried waiting for someone to make the next move. " Guys? I-I..." He said before his eyes turned red once more. " Am a ghost, and ghosts don't have friends. " He smirked. " Don't just stand there, finish them!" Freak Show demanded. " Maybe you should hold that staff higher. " Tucker suggested and winked at me. I looked ahead and noticed what he meant. Freak Shoe shrugged and took Tucker's suggestion stupidly. Freak Show dropped his staff but Danny caught it. " Way to go, man, now gimme five!" Tucker smiled and walked up to Danny. As their hands touched Danny shot a plasma ray out of his hand and it knocked him back into a strong man's arms. Freak Show held out his hand, waiting to receive his staff back with a nervous smile. " Fight it, Danny, he doesn't have the crystal ball anymore. " Sam told him. " Hurry and give it to me! " He demanded. Danny looked around trying to decide what he would do. You could even see him sweating. " Fight him now Danny, you're not just a ghost! " I joined in. " Quiet, all of you, I need to think!" Danny yelled and everyone listened. " It's the staff, or your friends Danny, your choice!" Tucker called out. 2 ghosts walked up to me slowly and I backed out scared. " Ahhhh! " I screamed to the top of my lungs as I fell off the train. " Y/N, no!" Sam and Tucker called out for me. It was time to let the idea of death soak into my thought process. ' Oh how did Y/N die? She fell off of a train and into the ocean of course! ' How pathetic...

I woke up in a room with Grey walls and black curtains. It was none other than Sam's room. I was in her bed all cozy and warm. I glanced to my side and saw Danny resting his head on the bed. I was startled to see him. 1. Because he was there. And 2. Because what if he went off and on again between good and evil? What if he was only pretending in front of everyone but will try to choke me to death? As if I was speaking out loud he jumped up and looked at me with tears in his eyes. I scooted away from him in fear. Hoping that he wouldn't switch up on me. He noticed and whipped away his tears. " I'm sorry, for what I did. I know it doesn't make up for it but I'm really sorry..." He apologized and started to cry again. I reached over to him and hug him. It's hard to not forgive someone like Danny. He's so heroic, cute, nice, and everything. " Danny, you have nothing to apologize for, ok? Besides, this was like 2 days. I was playing with your feelings for 2 weeks!" I laughed, calming down. " But still, all that happened then was harmless dating and me getting popular. I hurt you and made you die twice. That's 2 times too many. I'm supposed to be your hero, not the one who puts you in danger. " He buried his face in his hands. " You are my hero silly, why else would you have that necklace? Now let's stick to not getting controlled anymore, or fighting, Kay? " I giggled. He held out his pinky and I interlocked mines with his.


That was episode 20 of Danny Phantom,  which means we will be going into season 2 in 2 more chapters! I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one!

•Swiped Right Off My Feet• Danny Phantom x Fem-ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now