Is something wrong?

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It was finally time for school. I and Paulina were gonna plan a sleepover soon so I needed to talk to her in person about it. As soon as stepped foot in the building everyone went silent. Some stared, some whispered, and some laughed or pointed. I wasn't all that popular since I'd been hanging with the 3 musketeers lately. I was only considered 30% popular when I hang out with Paulina. Was something wrong with my hair? Was my outfit out of style? What could it possibly be?

" Y/N! Come with me!" Paulina yelled and dragged me to the bathroom. " Hey Pauli, is something wrong?" I asked confused. " Yes, everything is wrong! " She answered with a frown and put her Pda in my face. It had a picture of a news report. As I inspected it closer I saw something quite shocking.

It was a picture of Danny and me kissing last night. That isn't good. The whole school must know by now. " I thought we were besties! Why are you kissing him?" She started to sob on my shoulder. " I-I didn't, we were at a picnic but we were practicing kissing because he secretly likes you and knew that I knew you so yeah. " I lied, surprisingly she believed it and whipped her tears away. " Don't tell him that I told you, Kay? It's a secret. " I winked, she then winked back. Problem solved school-wise. We both walked out of the bathroom and to our lockers with big grins. Everyone stopped whispering when they saw her, they must've assumed that we worked it out. Paulina was doing her makeup in her locker mirror and I was on my Pda looking at a bunch of messages from Sam.

Sam: Omg, is this for real?!

Sam: Where are you at? We're gonna walk you to class if you're not already there.

Sam: Are you not coming today? We can't find you.

Sam: I'm happy for you, but everyone knows. My parents, Danny, Tucker,  everyone here at school-

Suddenly the bell rang, so I and Paulina ran to class. When we got there we were technically late, but the teacher wasn't there yet so it was fine. The Three Musketeers were sitting at the back of the classroom and basically waving me down. " Hey Pauli, is it okay if I sit-" " Sure, I know how much you love those geeks, just make sure you sit with me at lunch, kay?" She answered and sat next to Star. I sat in between Danny and Sam.

" Good morning guys." I greeted. " Did you get my messages?" Sam asked, opened eyed. I nodded with a small yawn. " Sorry I didn't reply, my Pda was on silent. " I apologized and looked over to Danny. It looked like he was taking a nap. Tucker was drinking some water. As soon as the teacher walked into the room Danny got up just the slightest bit.

" Since I am everyone here's favorite teacher, I decided not to assign paperwork today. Instead, you all will be decorating the gym for the valentines dance. "  Mr.Lancer smiled proudly. The whole class booed but stopped themselves when Mr.Lancer pointed to a stack of papers.

When we got to the gym the class was split into groups of three. I got assigned with Danny and Paulina. Our task was to hang up all of the banners and set up the confetti rigs when we were done. " So, Y/N, I'm going to the dance but I don't have a date. " Paulina spoke. " Oh, same with me. " I replied. " Well, you know how the ghost boy was kissing you because he needed practice kissing me? Well, I want to go with him, but I think he's too nervous to ask me himself. " She continued. Danny looked at me with a raised brow. Maybe he didn't know that Phantom had kissed me. " I need you to ask him for me bestie! If you don't he'll be too shy to say it himself, then I'll be all alone. " She sobbed as hugged me.

I didn't want to help her, she already has every boy in the school at her back and call. I would prefer if he would take me, but that probably wouldn't happen either.

I patted her back and agreed to help her out. She then sat down in a corner because she was " Too tired ". I decided to go over where Danny was since we didn't say anything to each other today. As I walked up to him I started to feel nervous. Sure he wasn't Ghost Danny, they probably didn't even share the same brain right now. But they are both Danny, kissing one means kissing both. " Hi Danny, need any help over here?" I questioned. " No." He answered blankly.
" You sure? You don't want me to hold up the sign while you tape it down?" I continue. " No." He repeated with a frown. There was something wrong with him but I couldn't tell what. " Is something wrong Danny? You seem sad..." As ask a little worried. " Nope. " I frowned at him. What was his problem? I continued to just hang up the banners, he might feel better in a little bit.

•Swiped Right Off My Feet• Danny Phantom x Fem-ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now