Sleepover at Pauli's

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Today was an exciting day, not the day of the dance but something else. The day of Paulina's sleepover. I had never set foot in her house before, but from what I'd heard from Star it was amazing. We were gonna paint nails, do makeup, share stories, watch movies, and other cool stuff.

When I finally got to Paulina's house after the long drive it was 6:12 p.m when I got there. " Bye, mom, I'll message you before I go to bed. And don't worry, her older sister is gonna drive us in the morning!" I waved to mom and went to knock on the door. As soon as I did Pauli answered. " Hey Y/N, come in." She greeted. Paulina was wearing a purple nightgown, me and Star planned on matching with her so I had a pink one and Star had a yellow one. " Wow Pauli, your house is a palace!" I spoke in awe looking around at everything. " Thanks, follow me to my bedroom. " She told me blankly.

When we made it to her room it was massive! The walls were painted white and there were purple and gold translucent curtains all over. She also had a day bed that looked straight out of a fairy tale. I saw Star on the floor doing something on her Pda. " Hi Y/N!" Star waved to me with a smile. " Okay girls, let's get this party started! First, we will start with mani-pedis, then face masks. " Paulina announced as she pulled out a container filled with polish and press-ons. " Wow, this is enough to start a shop!" I exclaimed and took out a few colors that I thought were nice. Black, White, and Green. Star got yellow and orange, and Pauli got Purple and Blue. I polished mines with black on the end, white on the sides, and green in the middle. By the time I was done, I let out a giggle and felt a warm feeling in my stomach. How could I be so...silly? It's the same design as Danny's. I then thought about the times I'd hung out with him. Like at the park, his house, my house, school..." Y/N, are you listening? " Pauli questioned and waved her hand in my face. I blinked a couple of times and looked at her nails. Looked like she already finished. " It's time for spooky stories Y/N!" Star gave me a toothy grin and turned off the lights. I pulled a flashlight out of my bag. " Who wants to go first?" I questioned them. Paulina quickly put her hand in the air so I passed her my flashlight.

" Once upon a time, there was an ugly girl who no one loved. One day there was a handsome boy who met her and loved her so much. He bought her flowers, made her feel special, and everything nice...but one day he didn't want her ugliness so he left her and she ended up all alone. The end."

I looked at her with a raised brow. What that her idea or scary? " No offense Paulina but not even my four-year-old brother would be scared of that story, give me a try. " Star giggled and grabbed the flashlight.

" There was a fashionable teen girl named Pretty Red whose mom told her to go to her Nana's house in the woods. At first, she declined but her mom gave her a great offer, a new Pda. Pretty Red skipped into the woods and ran into a handsome man. The man pointed to the house with a mysterious smirk. Pretty Red listened but noticed that her Pda fell out of her pocket. She went to pick it up. By the time she found it, the boy was gone. She continued on the path and ended up right where he told her to go. Pretty Red unlocked the door and went straight to Nana's room. Nana was laying on the bed with a Pda in her hand. " Nana, when did you get a Pda? And curly hair?" Pretty Red asked. " Oh, it's just a new style dear. " Nana brushed it off and waved Pretty Red over. " You got a Pda? " Nana questioned with a raised brow. " Of course, Nana. Who doesn't? " Pretty Red rolled her eyes and walked closer. Right when she was distracted Nana pulled the device right out of Pretty Red's hand and cackled. " You fell for my trap so now you will spend the rest of your life in this ugly house!" Nana yelled and ripped tugged at her hair to reveal hair just like the Handsome guy from earlier. He then kicked her into a closet where Nana was sitting at. The end!"

" And you were talking about my story, Star. " Paulina giggled as Star handed me the light. I had to make up a better story than both of them combined.

" Once upon a time, there was a teenager who just moved into a town that was abandoned. Not a house for several miles. Her parents had left her alone for the night. It didn't help ease her nerves by I the fact that it looked like a haunted house. She also heard random noises and whispering at random times but she needed to prove that she was responsible. " I took a deep breath so I could get a few minutes to think about what would be next. " That night the girl had been cleaning the house but the power randomly went out. " I spoke mysteriously and turned off the flashlight. " The girl knew that she had to go into the basement to reach the power box. When she was done calming down she crept down into the basement. Even though it was dark she could feel something present in the room with her. Something moving. It gave off an eerie noise which caused a shiver to run up her spine. She glanced around the basement a bit before stumbling into some kind of chest. It was shaking and had a green glow around it. The girl pulled it open and screamed-" " AHHHH!" Paulina's scream interrupted as a computer flew through the window and landed on the floor near us. I quickly stood up and tried but struggled to find the light switch as the two girls were running around like headless chickens. When I did find the light I turned around to see Danny trying to calm Pauli and Star down. Suddenly a bunch of cords wrapped around one of his legs but he blasted it away from him. The girls ran to Pauli's walk-in closet but I stayed behind in case I needed to help Danny. I glanced over to him, then at my bracelet, then back at him with a nod. Danny then flew over to me with a strange look. " Nuh uh uh! This is supposed to be a fun sleepover for you and your friends, there's no need to help me." Danny spoke with a hand on my shoulder. I let out an annoyed sigh and walked toward the closet. " Girls, can you please let me in?" I hollered out, pounding on the door. Star grabbed my arm and pulled me into the closet. " We are like, soooo glad that you're okay!" Star let out a happy sigh. I glanced over at Paulina. She had a frown and was curled up in a ball. I wanted to cheer her up so I walked over and sat beside her. " You okay Pauli?" I questioned her with a worried expression. She kept her head low and stayed silent. " Hey Star, go make us some hot cocoa, yeah?" Paulina waved over to Star. Surprisingly she listened and left the closet. " I saw Danny ask you out yesterday...didn't know he was your type..." Pauli spoke with a sad expression. " Well even though he's a geek he's really-" " No, not Daniel Fenton, Danny Phantom!" She interrupted accompanied by a forehead slap. " Before you say anything...I know you like him. It's pretty obvious. " Pauli admitted. She probably understood my facial expression because she continued to talk. " I know that you're a sweet, kind, and generous person. I don't think that you would do this if you didn't really like him. Besides he's not the right one for me. " Paulina spoke up with a smile. " No Pauli! What I did was wrong. I can tell him to go with you instead?" I suggested. " Nah! Danny and I don't have any chemistry. The only thing we have in common is that we're both cute. Dash asked me out anyway. " Paulina put her head on my shoulder we sat in silence for a little bit.

This was nice. Just pure silence, until Star came back with the drinks and we went to watch a movie afterward. But that was my night, it was fun and eventful. Luckily my relationship was sorted out and everything was alright.

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