chapter 4

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"It looks like you have already have your powers Akira" "is that what that light was" dylan nods "what does that mean for use"

"We have to go to another pack to train yourself for it Kira,Andersons pack doesn't know how to help you use them,so we're going to a neighboring pack that has a witch that can help you"

I nodded but I really wanted to stay for a while. I haven't talked to anyone ever,except for Dylan and it's refreshing to have some friends to have and know I'm leaving and haven't even had time to enjoy it.

"What's the matter Kira" Anderson asked .

"Well I,umm,I haven't had any friends ever ,and I am fond of camy,fire,and kin we nickname them
Camy is Cameron fire is crystal and kin is Kindle I just don't want to leave without them"

He nods "well you can see if they want to come,but you have to tell the them dangers that will be coming around you"

"Really" he nods with a smile I ran to him and hugged him with a big smile he chuckled and pulled me into a hug"

"Thank you uncle"

I said and he gasped. I giggled while running out of the house to get them "honey" I stopped and turned to see what they wanted.

"I can just mind link them to come over" I nodded but didn't blush even though I wanted to.

10 min later I went to the door and found all three of them."come in,come on let's go to my room ,I gotta talk"

I say with excitement while dragging kin with me while the girls are behind giggling how kins a lost puppy.

We all sat on my bed.

"Okay just know this you don't have to come if you don't want to but I'm leaving to the neighbors pack to learn my magic and was wondering if any of yall want to come with me,but there's one or many things really I will be in danger and so will yall if yall come uncle told me I could see if yall want to come or not but its cool if yall don't want to"

I looked down at my hands waiting for an answer. It felt like 2 whole minutes until I was being dog piled and there jumping up and down with excitement and it made me smile and laugh.

We spent almost 5 hours laughing, having fun and we even did kins hair but all we could do was put clips in it. His hair is short.

We even figured out he was gay but we supported him even though it was weird I called him hot and stuff when I saw him I even told him that he just blushed and threw his head into my pillow.

We all fell asleep sometime having fun. We all slept on my bed. There were bags of candy,chips,popcorn,and cans of sodas all over the bed. I told them about never having friends and everything that's going on because I can't leave them in the dark if they're risking their lives just to be friends with me they need to know"

We woke up with someone banging on the door we all groaned I waited see if someone would open it but nope I had to get up and do it I opened the door and a irritated dylan is standing out there."Hey what's up"

"What's up is I've been standing here knocking for almost 30 min and your just know waking up"

"Yep so what you want"
He looked at me surprised "well were leaving in 10 min so I hope your ready" "What" he looked so smugged "fine ,fine jerk"

"Guys get up we gotta leave in 10"

They groaned but they got up anyway I went to take a shower and had everything I needed packed and ready to go.

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