chapter 7

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"Since you're not fit to be an alpha , why not take your position? They will have an alpha that is strong but caring,ruthless,courageous,and merciful,but you can't be those things unless you do it right."

"So I Akira Maddison challenge Alpha Gray for position of Alpha"

He just laughs.
I stood there staring at him until I got an idea.I turned to my friends.

"Dylan and Kindle you guys go in the woods a about 300 feet and there's a bunker bring the prisoners here since Alpha Gray thinks it funny let's see if his pack does"

They nod and head out all while I stare at a fuming alpha while I just smirk.

"Not so funny now is it,now you want to fight to death or yield."

"Death,"he said glaring. We stayed for a few minutes until we heard chains rattling and we all turned to them.

There are 20 people chained together coming this way while I hear a bunch of gasp,guess they didn't think their alpha was ruthless and cruel.

"You see this,this is what your alpha does on his free time whip for the fun of it"a bunch of the people ran to the chained kids and parents while most glared at their alpha and so did I, we just stood there.

"Challenge accepted"

He said, then he started running to me and I just stood there until he got close enough and crouched,jumped over him while shifting into my wolf.As he slid trying to catch his balance.

He growled and I growled back.i stalked toward him and we both ran at each other,he shifted a jumped on me trying to bite my neck while I snapped at his foot.He reached to claw my face a I ducked and jumped back.We stare in each other's eyes with anger and I catch him by surprise and jumped on him he flew back with me on top, trying to get a good angle to snap his neck but he scratches his hind legs pushing me away by my stomach.I jumped back I can feel blood dripping down my stomach from his claws as I growl at him.

'Kira we didn't train much in our wolf form so,we aren't as good as we would be in humans, so use some techniques that you would when you're human'.

I said yes and went back to focusing on him.

We clashed together scratching,pawing, biting each other trying to get some blood dripping.

He jumped on me and pushed both my paws down using his claws to keep me on the ground we stared at each other,me with anger and him with a wolfy smirk.

He shifted back while I acted like I couldn't get out "what's wrong wolfy can't get out I would have made you my luna,you could of had everything you wanted all you had to do was not get into my business so I'll give you a deal be my luna and I won't kill you"he said in my ear "and I'll give you extra" while grinding his hips on mine,I heard a growl in the crowd and new it was Nash.

I tilted my hips and pushed him back with me on top of him. Now I shifted back and looked him dead in the eye while speaking loud enough to reassure nash."know why would I want you if I have a awesome hot,adorable, mate with me,huh,I don't need a fake mate nor alpha I have my own things to deal with not an immature alpha who doesn't know how to run a pack with pride and honor you run it with fear you don't realize how your people can't look at you without thinking you will chop their head off."

I grinned and punched him a couple of times and got thrown off and I shifted back mid-air landing right on my paws,I growled and he growled walking in circles while I'm trying to find a way to him.

While he's just staring,acting like he would win.

It's funny he thinks too highly of himself.

I ran to him one way and when I saw him try to go that way I quickly turned the other way and bucked his legs out from under him jumped on him when he fell I bit his neck while he scratches paws growls ruthlessly and I clamped my jaw tighter feeling blood flowing in my mouth.

I let go,stepped back he looked at me surprised but smirked while whining.

"what's wrong can't kill me" I shifted back just standing there naked. And his lustful gaze I didn't miss either just ignored it and stepped back while he got back up."actually just want to say one thing before I kill you,I hope you go to h***a******" I flipped backward and hit his throat while doing it and his head snapped up and broke his neck.

Gasp all around me while I stare blankly at their alpha, dead as a doornail.

While they all got over their shock they all bowed down.

We stayed like that for a couple minutes until Nash came running to me growling at the pack members trying to cover me up.

I laughed,shaking my head and wrapped my arms around his waist.

A minute later he growled and purr.he pulled back looking at the ground with a blush which made me laugh again.

"Alright guys go back to what you were doing we will handle this,get going."
They all left except for my friends.Dylan handed me his shirt. I thanked him and put it on with a sinister smile.

Thinking about my little mate being protective.

My wounds are already healing but there's still blood.

My wounds are already healing but there's still blood

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"Guys I'm going to wash off. Can you take care of this and unlock the prisoners, see what they did to deserve this and put the ones who did a crime back in there but get them some food and a doctor same for the others but get them a room and back to their family's.

They nod and I grabbed my mate bride style walking to my room with him hugging my neck with his face in the crook of my neck.

I walked to the door to my room and laid him on my bed easily and went to get bath water running with bubbles and scents with some salts.

I went back to the room and Nash was sitting up staring at the bathroom door when u came out."I got you some water running and I have you some salts and bubbles to clean you up"

I went over to him and helped him take his shirt off, which is barely a shirt because it's torn and his pants are ten times bigger than he is. I helped him out of it and left him in his boxers.

I picked him up and took him to the bath tube stood him up in it."take your boxers off and dip in so I can turn back around ok."he nodded. I turned to give him privacy .

"Okay you can turn around now"i turned and went to him and didn't miss the satisfaction look he has with a small smile looking at the bubbles it made me smile but it was a sad one,he hasn't even taken a bath probably for 4 years considering how big of an A**  The alpha was.

I moved behind him and started to wash his hair and massaging his scalp.while he moaned it made me gulp.

"Mmmm" he has to stop doing that.

I rubbed his shoulders and neck arms while massaging.

It's the least he could get.I can already see myself falling in love with him.

He turned his head to look at me and we gazed into each other's eyes and he looks down at my lips which makes me smirk.

Come on let's get out and sleep,I'm tired"
We both got out and soon as we hit the bed we both feel asleep.

I woke up in the morning
With My arms wrapped around Nash with him snoring softly.

He looks so cute when he is sleeping he has this innocent look and it makes me happy he is sleeping well I hope he dosent get nightmare from his experience.I wouldn't be surprised if he does he has been through some tuff s***.

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