The Honor's All Mine ( Hawksilver

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Clint woke up in a bed that was'nt his own, in a room that was'nt his own, in only his underwear.

Panic kicked in before logic could.

He shot up, scanning the room.

A white door was directly across from him, it would take approximatly two seconds for him to reach it.

Next to the door a large dark bookcase streached froom the floor to the ceiling, crammed with books varying from old, leatherbounds, to glossy graphic novels.

There were clothes littered on the floor, it took a second for Clint to realize they were his.

And then he remembered.

But that means...

Slowly Clint turned his head to the right, only now noticing the soft breathing from the figure laying next to him.

Next to him lay an almost naked Pietro Maximoff, his platinum hair was messy and spilling over his face. And, as if he could feel the change in the air, his eyes slowly fluttered open.

For a moment his eyes were void of any emotion, leaving Clint to wonder if he remembered any of last night.

Then a smile softly graced his features.

" Hey Birdie" he said, his voice somehow perfect even after a rather... long night.

" Hey " Clint smiled nervously.

Pietro's smile widened, as he reached out to run his index over Clint's cheek.

And he awnsered the question before it could leave Clint's mouth.

" I remember "

Clint avoided his gaze.

" And? " Clint asked, voice barely above a whisper.

"Ive come to a disciesion " Pietro replies, getting out of bed and pulling some jeans on.

Clint waited, slightly sad as his muscular chest dissapeared under his white tee shirt.

After zipping up his fly and putting a belt on he turned back to Clint, bending over, placing his finger under Clint's chin, forcing him to look into his eyes.

" Clint Barton, if it so pleased you, " he paused " I would love to be your boyfriend" his accent was thick and unvailed at the last few words, which Clint thought was adorable.

Clint smiled and kissed him gently on the lips before looking deep into his eyes.

" The honor's all mine"

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