Dreams ( Spideypool )

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Wade had felt pain.

Normaly when you feel a certain amout of pain you just die.

But Wade was lucky.

He got to feel every bit without dying.

And he'd felt it all.

But there was one thing, one thing that stung.

One thing than ran deeper than his scarrs.


Wade was in love with a boy who dressed up in spandex and shot webs from his fingers for a living.

When he thought about it that way it almost made him laugh.

Wade was laying on his bed, hands behind his head, watching the ceiling fan spin.
And as it spun, it would let out small creaks, like the wood was weeping.

He ran his fingers over his face, mapping out a pathway of scars, old, and fresh.

Wade closed his eyes, trying to think of someting that wasnt the spider mutant.

But alas he failed.

Memories flooded his mind.

Good ones, bad ones. Fights and jokes. Laughter and tears.

All he wanted was to hold that cursed spiderboy. To let the world slip away. To fall asleep with his ears picking up another heartbeat, not one of some girl or guy that stumbled into him and ended up spending the night, but someone he would want to see when he woke up.

Wade was tired, so tired.

So he let his dreams take him.

But even they were filled with him.

The one thing that made Wade feel like he wasn't invincable.

He nodded off and dreampt of Spiderman.

I would like to note that if you like wandanat/Scarletwidow, I am working on a book completely dedicated to that, so feel free to check it out :)

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