You're Safe Now ( Wandanat )

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TW: S3xual ass4lt

Natasha's throat burned as what seemed to be more akin to acid than alcohol made its way down.

She hated Tony's parties.

When she first joined the avengers she loved them, but after waking up on the roof covered in your own vomit a few too many times, they start to lose their charm.

Once she had even woken up in a seven eleven bathroom in a 1000 dollar dress that she was certain she had'nt payed for.

Suffice it to say she knew tonight was'nt going to end well.

A little ways down the bar she saw a man flirting with one of their new recruits, Wanda.

Wanda was visibly very uncomfortable with some of the things he was saying.

Natasha was concidering saying something when someone tapped her on the sholder.

She spun around to be meet with the piercing blue eyes of the one and only Steve Rogers.

Shit she thought.

Natasha knew that Steve had a thing for her, and she did'nt need to be an ex spy to know it.

He gave her one of his signiture smiles that melted the heart of almost any girl he used it on, but it only made her's turn cold.

" So I was wondering if you'd like to grab a drink sometime? " he asked, the confidence in his voice only annoyed her.

She picked up her half drunk glass of acid. " I've already got one " she replied, hoping that if she acted oblivious enough he would just drop it.

Unfountinutely his smile only grew.

He chuckled.

" No i mean, do you want to go out with me ?" He asked.

" Nah like it in here. " she replied, taking a sip of her drink hoping he would just drop it.

He laughed.

" What i'm trying to ask is, do you want to go out on a date with me?" He smiled, flashing his disturbingly white teeth.

" I uh, need to use the washroom, i'll be right back." She replied nerviously, stumbling towards the ladies washroom.

She got inside and shut the door behind her, only to be met with a sight that made her stomach churn.

There, on the washroom floor lay a passed out Wanda, her leggings and underwear pulled around her ankles.

And lying on top of her was the man she recognized had been flirting with her before, pants down, embedded between her legs.

Natasha lost her grip.

All emotion and consince seemed to drain out of her as she grabbed him by the throat and forced him againt the wall, she only got angrier when he noticed this was making him even harder.

" What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She demanded, her voice void of any kind of emotion.

He gasped but said nothing.

" Fucking disgusting. " she said, before drawing a knife from her boot.

With one swift motion his hard on was replaced by a bloody stump.

He cried out in pain.

She released her grip and let him fall to the floor, before turning back around to face the passed out Wanda.

Natasha gently knelt down and pulled her pants up.

She then gently picked her up and carried her to her room.

Once they arived Natasha layed her down on her bed, and began to search for some smelling salts to wake her up.

Once she found them she waved them under Wanda's nose, only for a wimpered sob to escape from the younger girl.

Natasha then realized that she hadnt been passed out, she had been paralyzed.

This realization set her soul on fire.

Natasha wanted to go back down there, to gouge his eyes out, to cut of his fingers, to-

Her thoughts were interrputed by another strangled sob, and all her anger turned to sympathy.

Natasha sat down next to wanda and pulled the covers over them.

She then took Wanda in her arms and began to stroke her cheek, wiping away all the tears that flowed down them.

She then started to sing her an old Russian lullaby that had always calmed her down when her anxiety got the best of her.

Once the lullaby was done Natasha started to mumble things to Wanda.

" It's ok, he's gone"

" He cant hurt you anymore"

" You're safe now "

The entire night they stayed like that.

Natasha mumbling words of comfort between lullabys in foreign languages.

Wanda did'nt know if she would ever be the same again, but she knew one thing:

She was safe now.

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