Drinks ( Bishova )

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Kate was bored.

A year ago she met Hawkeye.

Her hero took her under his wing, and even though this culmonated in her mother ending up in jail, it was the best time of her life.

Ever since then things have been going downhill.

It was like being brouhgt inside from the freezing cold and being set beside a fire, and then being pushed back outside into the snow and being told you know that warth and comfort? Well youll never feel it again! Have a nice life!

The days were blurring together.

She'd wake up, go to work, get home, order some pizza, and fall asleep on the couch watching tv.

She knew she should be thankful, she has the life most people dream of: a good job, a good home, but it didn't really make her feel anything.

So far today was no different.

She was going over her plans for her evening in her head, she would probrobly order pizza and watch some killing eve that she pirated.

She fumbled for her key and slid it into the lock, twisting it and pulling the door open, before freezing.

Sitting, on her couch, eating pizza was a woman who's face she recognized instantly.

" Hey kate bishop, I ordered pizza" Yelena said, waving a half eaten cheese slice in the air


Kate quickly recovered herself, grabbing her key from the lock and shutting the door, before aproching the blonde assasin who was currently stuffing pizza in her mouth.

" How did you- why are you- what-" Kate tryed to form a coherent sentence, which was hard when one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen was staring at her with pizza grease around her mouth.

Kate closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

" How did you get in?" She asked, opening her eyes.

" Through the window "

The russian replied innocently, pointing to an open window on the second floor.

" You really need to update your locks" she added, turning her attention back to the pizza.

" As for why" the russian added while stuffing more pizza in her mouth, " I have yet to take you up on your offer"

" what? " Kate asked.

The russian rolled her eyes.

" You have really got to start remembering things Kate Bishop" she said.

" Drinks, you offered to get a drink with me, so here I am Kate Bishop". She added, when the ravenette just continued to stare at her.

Before she could reply Yelena was already standing up

" Where do you keep the drinks? " the russian asked, approaching the kitchen.

" There's apple juice in the fridge " Kate replied.

Yelena squinted slightly, as if she was going to be able to pull a drink out of Kate's eyes just by staring at them.

Suddenly the russian pounced on a tile by the stove, prying it from the floor.

She smiled as she pulled a bottle of Vodka from the compartment.

" Nice one Kate Bishop, never pinned you as one for strong drinks. " The russian winked, causing a light blush to dust the ravenette's cheeks.

Yelena pulled the cork out of the bottle and grabbed some wine glasses from a near by cubboard.

Once the glasses were filled she popped the cork back in before approaching the couch again.

" So how have you been Kate Bishop?" She asked without even turning around.

Kate finnally decided to let her guard down. If she was going to die she might as well go out having a drink with a beautiful woman.

" I dont know how I feel, I mean i'm fine, iv,e got a good job, iv'e got Lucky, iv'e got a good home..."

Kate trailed off, spurring the russian to look in her direction. Slowly Yelena reached forward, putting a finger under Kate's chin, forcing her to look into her eyes.

" Are you happy Kate Bishop? "

The words reverberated through Kate's head, and before she knew it she was sobbing.

The russian pulled her into her chest, stroking her cheek.

After what must have been at least half an hour the tears slowed, and finally stopped.

Kate was lying on top of Yelena, her head neasled between her breasts, the russian still stroking her cheek.

Yelena looked down at her with such caring in her eyes that Kate felt like sobbing all over again.

" I dont think you are fine Kate Bishop." The russian said.

Kate burst into laughter.

" You know I can stay, I mean i will have to leave from time to time to carry out missions, but it would be nice to have a stable place to call home. " The russian said, running her fingers through the younger girk's hair.

"I think i'd like that."

They fell asleep like that, Kate cuddled into Yelena, and Yelena stroking her hair all through the night.

However the drinks remained untouched.

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