CHAPTER TWELVE || surprise for nat

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Y/n's pov

I've been on this 'anaemia' medication for a few weeks now and I've been feeling a lot better.

I managed to go to the shops with an old friend of mine yesterday as it's mine and Nats anniversary tomorrow. We've been together exactly 8 months and I couldn't be happier.

I was finally with the one I love.

I wanted to treat Nat to something special, like the meal she treated me too on the day we first got together. The question was, what do I do for her?

I'm the most indecisive person literally EVER, if I want to even have it planned by the end of the day, I'm gonna need some help.

I've hung out with a lot of Nat's friends and family quite a few times now so I was well aware of how close she was to certain people.

The closest people to her are Clint, Wanda and her sister Yelena. Maybe they could help me.

I pulled out my phone, creating a WhatsApp group chat with all of us, obviously not including Nat.

*a group chat was created by Y/N*

Y/N: "Heyyy, sorry for the random group but I really need help with something."

YELENA: "Do you need help hiding a body?"

Y/N: "..."

CLINT: "Oh my god she's murdered someone-"

WANDA: "Dear God, may there soul rest in peace"


WANDA: "Thank god, I was getting prepared to carve the headstone."

YELENA: "What do you need us for?"

Y/N: "It's mine and Nats anniversary tomorrow and I wanna surprise her, I want it to be something special but also something that will mean a lot to her, something to show her how much she means to me but I'm not sure what to do to show all that."

CLINT: "You could do a meal on the beach?"

WANDA: "that's too classic, what about going out to a club and getting absolutely wasted?"

YELENA: "As her sister I have a suggestion, She's always been obsessed with Budapest, maybe you could take her there on a small vacation?"
*clint and wanda liked a message*


Y/N: "alrighty, Budapest it is! Thank you guys so much!!"

I put my phone down, going into the lounge and pulling out my laptop from the cupboard in the TV stand.

"Budapest, I swear I've heard of that place before."
I said to myself while typing up the flight prices.

Pressing on the first trustworthy website, I booked it so that we would leave tomorrow at 12:45pm and come back in a weeks time.

*your total will be £2,457*

Oh god. I'm really gonna have to work overtime when I get back to make up for this.

Let's just not let Nat find out the price, she would go absolutely INSANE..

After booking the holiday, I was feeling exhausted, I went over to the couch, setting my laptop down and falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I've been stuck at the compound all day trying to track down Loki and the sceptre. It's been so boring but as soon as we find his location, I can go back home to y/n.

My mind flooded with worry knowing that she was by herself.

I didn't like it when she was on her own as anything could happen and I wouldn't be there to protect her.

Maybe I should call her and see if everything's alright.

I rung her phone 7 times but every time there was no answer.

Instantly I started panicking, thinking something had happened to her. What if she's been hurt? What is someones kidnapped her? I have to go see if she's alright.

I told Wanda that I urgently needed to go and ran out the compound, jumping in my car and zooming back home.

As soon as my car was on the driveway. I pulled my gun out, holding it low at my waist.

I opened the door as slow as I could, creeping in to see a small figure spread across the couch.

I pulled the safety off the gun, creeping as close as I could to the figure. Holding my gun up so that I could shoot if anything happened, I prodded the figure.

They jumped up in fright, screaming frantically and knocking the gun out my hands by accident, sending it launching across the room.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Y/N screamed from being woken up. "I thought you were an intruder!"

"Why did you even have your gun out! Were you trynna shoot me or something?!" She said loudly.

"Oh my god!! I thought you were an intruder!" I yelled.

"Why on earth would you think that?!"

"You weren't picking up your phone! I thought someone had kidnapped you!" I replied back.

"I was asleep, of course I'm not gonna answer my phone- why didn't you just look at the tracker app? It would have told you I was at home?" She said, calmer than before.

"Oh, I didn't think of that.."

We chuckled at each other before I went and picked up my gun from the floor, placing it back in my waistband.

"Imma go get changed, I'll be back in a minute." I said, getting a nod in reply.

As I was changing in the bedroom, I could hear a lot of cluttering coming from the lounge. I wonder what y/n is doing to make that much noise?

I hurried up getting into my pjs and went back into the main room.

"What on earth was all that noise?" I said before looking up and being immediately shocked by what I saw.

There were two empty suitcases sitting side by side, decorated with a large ribbon and a large sign.

I walked closer, eyes wide and my mouth wide open.
The sign read: "Surprise!" In a beautiful blue colour.

"Oh my god! Are we going on holiday?!" I asked, still surprised by the sight in front of me.

"Yep, we're going to Budapest for a week!", y/n replied, walking over to me with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh my, babe, you didn't have to do this!" I said, guessing how much money it would have costed her.

"Shush, I did it because you deserve it. You are the best girlfriend I could have ever asked for and i am so so so grateful to be able to call you mine, you deserve the universe Nat! Now come on, let's go pack! We are leaving tomorrow." She said, dragging me into the bedroom with the suitcases behind us.

A/N: this chapter isn't as long as I was hoping it would be but oh well,

So y/n and Nat are going on holiday......

I personally think these chapters are a bit too calm at the moment. What do you guys think? ;)

Word count: 1160

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