CHAPTER FOURTEEN || the holiday

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Y/n's pov

After the little situation at the airport, Nat put the weapons in the boot of our car that Tony was going to take back to the compound.

We managed to make it to Budapest in one piece and we were currently looking up the directions of the hotel.

It was a small sort of apartment that we rented out for the week. The directions showed that it was in quite a secluded place, meaning we'd need to get a taxi if we were to go into the city.

We were planning to spend this first day just chilling out and relaxing, enjoying each others company.

We walked about 40 minutes from where the airport was, to reach where our hotel was.

"Nattt hurry up, your going so slowww!!" I said, pulling her hand to try and get her to speed up.

She looked quite zoned out so I decided to keep my eye on her just in case.

Once we had booked in and gotten to our room, we didn't even bother unpacking and just flopped down on the bed.

"I'm exhausted" I mumbled, to tired to even speak.

Nat smiled before turning over and plopping herself on top of my body, wrapping her limbs around me like a koala on a tree.

I giggled at her actions, stroking her hair.

"So, what are we doing today?" Nat asked.

"I think we should spend the day here, just chilling and then this evening. I'm gonna take you to a lovely restaurant in the city, you'll love it." I replied, my smile as wide as possible.

"I'm looking forward to it" she said, also with a huge smile.

The day went by quite fast and we we're currently getting ready to go down to the restaurant. I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror in my underwear and a baggy T-shirt, while applying some makeup. As I applied some mascara, I felt two hands snake around my waist.

Nat rested her head on my shoulder.

"You really don't need makeup, your gorgeous the way you are." She whispered to me.

I smiled and looked down at my feet,
"Hey, look at me." She said, causing me to look up at her. "Your perfect.".

"You seriously don't know how much it means to me to hear that." I replied, slightly chuckling at myself.

She smiled widely before picking me up and throwing me over her shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down!" I screamed jokingly.

"I'm just saving you the trip to the wardrobe!" She screamed back.

She placed me down near the walk in wardrobe and then quickly sped off.

I laughed before searching for some clothes.

In the end, I ended up wearing a velvet, maroon coloured suit with my hair tied up neatly. (Picture of hair shown underneath)

Nat wore some black flared pants and and white, suit top

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Nat wore some black flared pants and and white, suit top. She looked hot to say the least.

We are on our way to the restaurant, I called us a cab since we didn't have a car and we had to wait 27 minutes for it too arrive! Outrageous.

When we finally arrived, I helped Nat out and we went in to book our table.

"Table for two please, should be under the name off Romanoff." I spoke to the Lady at the front.

"Ahhh, yes, right this way." She replied after checking the list for our names.

We followed her to a lovely table round the side off the restaurant. There was only a couple other tables in that area so it was quite calming.

The music played lightly in the backround with the tv's playing the weekly football game.

"God, this is beautiful y/n." Nat said, admiring all the details of the place.

"What can I say, only the best for my girl." I replied with a smirk, causing her to smile at me.

A/N: short chapter as I've been really busy recently, my MH is really bad atm so I may not be able to get another chapter out for a couple weeks max. My apologies, I'm very sorry x

Word count: 690

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