CHAPTER SEVENTEEN || we need help!

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So far my plan was working. I'm currently pretending to be under the mind control as Dreykov and his crew have no clue that I received a different type of antidote than others that have been used, which prevented me from being controlled again.

I had to make them think I wasn't going to fight back so that I could find y/n.

Currently, I had been brought into the training room and tasked to fight a couple of their widows.

As much as I didn't want to hurt them, I knew I had too.

I'm so sorry I thought before lunging forward and attacking them. They managed to get a few hits on me before I twisted their arms, bringing them over my head and to the ground with a loud thud.

"Wonderful. She's still as good as she always was." Madame B said to Dreykov.

God. Even just thinking about them two make my stomach churn.

"Now. Fight her." Madame B demanded, pointing over to the door on the other side.

I turned to look and there she was.

My Y/n..

Her expression was blank but her eyes showed fear. She was under the same mind control they tried on me. I don't want to fight her. I can't!

The teacher stood there waiting for us to start. If I'm going to get her out, I need to play along.

She launched herself at me, instantly winding me.

Shit, she is strong.

I managed to get my legs upwards, wrapping them around her neck and pulling myself up so I could grab the sides of her head with my hands.

"Come on y/n. You've got to snap out of it." I whispered so that only she could hear.

She put her hands up, pulling at my hips to get me off but I kept a tight grip on her.
I then felt her run backwards, hitting me into the concrete walls over and over. As soon as my grip loosened even the tiniest part, she flung me off and kicked me in the middle of my ribs. She walked over and stood in front of Madame B, leaving me limp on the floor of the room.
I think she broke my ribs with that kick.

I was escorted back to my room where I laid on the hard mattress. I couldn't feel anything in my back. Only pain. I know she didn't want to do what she did. I could tell by the look on her face. I'm just hoping this will be over soon.


I don't know how to explain it. I can see, hear and think, but I can't control my body. I can't do anything. It's as if I was a robot.

Seeing me do what I did to Nat made me sick to the stomach.

"Come on y/n, you've got to snap out of it." I heard her say to me. I'm trying Nat, but my body won't let me.

Help me. Please help me.

Once I was returned back to my room. I had the man who controlled this place and a weird, familiar looking women with red eyes and blonde hair walk in.

"How about we take a trip down memory lane sweetheart." The man said.

Suddenly, the girls hands went a shade of red and all I could see was images of me.

That's when it all came back. Every memory I had wished to have forgotten.

The whole reason why I didn't remember anything from my childhood.

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