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19 MAY 2013

"What I Love" Project

Instructions: Select eight photographs taken as a part of this class of things that define you— this can include friends, family, partners, hobbies, etc— and include them in your final portfolio for the year. This will be graded on the quality and creativity of the work submitted.

Due date: May 17, 2013 (Late work will result in a five-point penalty for every day missed.)

"Gig"2 April 2013

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2 April 2013

"Nighttime"8 April 2013

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8 April 2013

"Nighttime"8 April 2013

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17 April 2013

"Through the Window"5 May 2013

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"Through the Window"
5 May 2013

"Through the Window"5 May 2013

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"Record Shop"
6 May 2013

"His Sweater"10 May 2013

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"His Sweater"
10 May 2013

"Out With The Guys"15 May 2013

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"Out With The Guys"
15 May 2013

"Out With The Guys"15 May 2013

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"Pride and Joy"
18 May 2013

Final score: 83/100

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