Hurricane, Utah - February 28th - 1982

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Freddy's had been open for almost a year now, and William was exhausted. The day shift guard had recently quit, and he was forced to take the job from him, at least until they could find someone to take the job. He had been working all day, so he decided to get drinks with some friends at the local Jr's bar.

After having drunk a couple shots of Whiskey and a glass of Beer, the group had the idea to participate in the local tradition that happens every leap year in Utah called Windshield Smashing. It's to encourage citizens not to leave their cars out at night on the 28th so that the city can make room to set up the parade.

If you couldn't already tell, a leap year is a big deal for the citizens of Hurricane.

The group all got in Williams car, purchased some cinder blocks and were on their way to cause some completely legal damage.

Unfortunately for them however, they all got so fucking wasted, that they literally forgot, that 1982 was not a leap year. They were about 30 minutes in and on the far side of town when William heard police sirens, and realized...

He was almost late for his shift at Freddy's

He quickly made a u-turn and booked it to Freddy's, driving opposite to traffic in order to make it there in time.

Still drunk, yet still fully aware of what was going on, he began to walk to the front door when he realized there was someone standing there.

It was his Business partner's daughter, Charlotte Emily.

"Hi Charlie"

"Oh, hello Mr Afton"

She had this look of frustration on her face

"S'wrong? Why are you out here"

"Those jerks looked me out so they could have all the cake to themselves"

He looked inside the restaurant to see Freddy being violently swarmed by a group of ten year olds. He had this look of "help me" on his face.

"Eh don't worry, i'll let you in"


As William was shuffling through his keys, his drunken ass decided to make small talk with Charlie, despite him still slurring his speech.

"Y'know, I used to get bullied at school when I was a kid. It just got to a point where I knew I had to do something about it."

Charlie, not knowing what to do, engaged in the conversation.

"Lemme guess, you beat up the bully?"

"No! Of course not, that would be stupid." William exclaimed "I peed on his lawn"

"You what now?"


"First of all, ew. Second of all, why are you telling me this exactly?"


As William went on about peeing on peoples lawns, Charlie whispered under her breath.

"Note to self, do not take advice from strange purple men"

William stopped, and turned around with a sudden fury in his heart.




Charlie sat still, terrified at William's sudden outburst.


He turned back around and continued fidgeting with his keys, when...

"Hey, look a rare comet!" Afton said, pointing into the sky

Charlie turned around, hoping to find the rare 11998837 classification comet found to be on its way into orbit, however she got a less desirable surprise...


She felt a piercing stab in her chest, and looked down to find a knife lodged clean through.


She collapsed on the ground, leaving nothing but two singular teardrops on the sidewalk.

"Who's the strange purple man now"

He picked up Charlie's body and quickly hauled it into Freddy's back alley

A crucial element that Afton forgot in his drunkenness however, was that Freddy's security puppet was assigned to each child present at Freddy's at the time, and Charlie almost year round, but wasn't able to protect her however, as The Puppet was trapped under some boxes at the time.

It eventually managed to burst out of its prison however, and tracked the bracelet to the back alley of Freddy's.

There is something important to note about the puppet's AI however, as it's unable to detect inclement weather, and since it was raining at the time, the puppet broke down just as it got to Charlie.

This is when the fate of Hurricane was truly set in stone.

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