Fredbears Family Diner - Sometime in Early 1980

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This boy you see (just pretend) here is an avid admirer of Fredbear and couldn't contain his excitement when he finally got to go to the Diner for his 11th birthday. Fredbear and friends was basically the only show that he'd watch on TV.

"Mom, can you tell him to please shut up! He's been muttering about Fredbear for 15 minutes straight and it's getting on my nerves!"

"Now sweetie, you can blame your brother. He's been waiting to go to Fredbears for months, and now we've finally gotten the chance!"


15 grueling minutes later

"And we're he-"

The moment that the car parked, the child leaped out and sprinted into Fredbears without a second thought. He bursted through the doors and ran towards the main show stage before bumping into one of the Janitors who was wearing the Spring Bonnie suit.

He tumbled onto the ground and...

Was completely unscathed.

William takes extra time to make sure that the springlocks are properly in place on the Spring Bonnie suit to avoid any failures. The Springlocks didn't loosen enough to kill him, but just barely.

Another child in the crowd however, had other plans for the poor soul in the suit. This child wasn't particularly a fan of Fredbear or Springbonnie and saw this as the perfect opportunity to assassinate at least one of them. He grabbed one of the brooms from the Janitors cart, and started violently beating Springbonnie with it.

This was the springlock's breaking point. The springlocks were sealed shut on the poor man. You would think that this would be enough to kill someone in seconds, all with his vital organs being turned into a kebab, but no, the pain caused by the springlocks, induces agonizing pain strong enough to sustain a level of brain activity capable of keeping someone alive for prolonged periods of time.

And then the screaming began. Screaming loud enough to fill an entire storage warehouse full of those canisters from Monsters Inc. You know the ones.

This attracted the attention of one of the greeters, wearing the Fredbear suit, which Child #1 had completely missed on his mad dash towards the empty show stage. Child #2 immediately noticed this and charged head first at Fredbear, knocking him onto the ground at full force.

Now considering that these were essentially the same circumstances in which SpringBonnie was subject to, you would think that the greeter would be fine. This however wasn't that case.

Remember when I said that William takes good care of the springlocks in the SpringBonnie suit? Well the same can't be said for Fredbear. The Springlocks shut in place immediately resulting in a chorus of screaming, one that still haunts the dreams of many, to this day.

Poor Jeremy Fitzgerald's birthday was ruined by the actions of one David Miller Jr. 

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