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[ Aimless ]



It's always been dangerous to use my abilities.

What made it even worse was finding a place to call home was practically impossible. It was something I could only have in my dreams at night, once I woke up I had to begin moving again.

Even when I did have a home...

The thoughts of my past made me bring my arms up to hold myself. I stopped walking as well noticing I'd made my way to a very familiar bar. Again. It was a grimy building two to three stories high. A bar full of people who would do almost anything for the right price, and that was how you got your money most of the time. How did you end up here? Thanks to the strongest girl you've met who had no bending, June. The second you walked into the building there was chaos. People fighting, people drinking and people yelling bets of money at a table being surrounded. Right as you got close you met eyes with a dark haired woman with equally dark eyes. The moment she saw you a wide smile appeared and whoever she was arm-wrestling was instantly beaten. "Drinks on me tonight!"

Everyone was cheering in delight at the news, to which she tossed the money she earned from ridiculous drunk bets at the bartenders for payment, and while everyone was busy again with another bet she slipped half of her earnings into a hidden pouch around her waist. "Well well well, if it isn't my favorite runaway," she wrapped an arm around me once she walked over to me and we headed to the 2nd floor where there was a room the bar allowed her to use as she pleased. "What's got you coming around so much recently."

I sighed as I sat onto a chair, she grabbed two glasses and a bottle before sitting down across from me. She poured me a glass and handed it over to me. "You know drinking isn't always the answer." She raised an eyebrow, her face still held a smirk as she continued to hold the glass in front of my face. "Fine," I reached out and grabbed it, with a smile she poured her own and left the bottle on the small table between us. "Something just feels weird recently, it keeps telling me to stay around this end of the earth kingdom.."

She glanced over at me setting down her glass, a sigh passed her dark coloured lips before looking at me again. "I wasn't going to tell you ,I was worried you'd go and make trouble for yourself but some news got told to me last time I was out on a hunt." I raised an eyebrow as I slowly drank the glass she gave me. "It's about the avatar."

I set the glass down and looked at her, "They found the rouge waterbender?!"

"No," she smiled as she tapped at the table with her fingernails. Oh she was leaving me in anticipation on purpose. I could only stare at her with wide eyes and finally she spoke, "They found the rouge airbender~"

I froze and mentally I was arguing with myself. An airbender 100 years later....all these years I've been on the run as a waterbender and after all this....Firebending outcasts me or brings far too much attention to me. Fear of the fire nation and worse the fire nation discovering who I was the daughter of. Water bending would make people question why I wasn't in either of the tribes or if I was the avatar they been looking for and finally earth bending which I could be arrested for in certain places now and was never able to master... All because of the stupid fire nation! my stupid.. damn.....home... "Where did they find him?"

June had started drinking, she already poured herself a second glass when I was finally out of my thinking, "Last I heard that place called Kiyoshi island."

"That's not that far from here."

She scoffed, "For normal people that's far. You can bend your way there on the water." She poured me more to drink and all I could do was spin it around in the glass while staring at it, "It's meant to drink not waterbend." I smiled and looked up at her, "Teasing me back huh. What a brat of a sister I own."

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