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[ Pleading ]



I'm getting close to a town I think.

I was able to track his footsteps on the floor and eventually I came upon a small village. Dreary and old, unrepaired and filled with sorrow. The reason for this sorrow was, "Fire Nation." My eyes trailed the random guards that littered the small village. I snuck around the village avoiding the fire nation and eventually I happened to see that boy in the streets. He was sneaking around too and he lead me farther out to a little house with a barn near it. To my surprise he went towards the barn instead of the quaint house,"Strange...." Making sure no one was around I made my way over with quick quiet steps. Once close I listened in.

"Guys you need to leave now."

"Cause of the fire nation? We already know Haru, we'll leave soon we just need some more rest and supplies," it was a girls voice. It was gentle and caring. But also ,his name is Haru...How cute.

"Aang I just watched someone earthbending-"

"But..You earthbend?" this time it was a different boys voice. He, Aang apparently, sounded much younger than Haru and the girl. What a strange bunch. The way they act is a little strange too, most likely they all aren't family.

"No listen! She firebended too."

"That's impossible," I slightly peaked inside seeing who was speaking this time, another boy who seemed related to the girl I'd heard before. Both wore shades of blue, it covered most of their body and had a warrior aspect to it's design. It seemed to focus on layering. My eyes scanned the room and eventually I met eyes with a young boy, they were a soft shade of gray almost silver. Such innocent eyes... He was bald and wearing yellow and red clothing that focused more on the ability of comfort. He had strange blue markings on his hands and head. We stayed staring at each other for a bit and I felt something almost push me forward.

"That is the avatar"

My eyes widened at the sudden whisper that brushed against my ears, it was followed by the gentle breeze that blew my h/l h/c and nothing else was said. Is this what I've been feeling recently. I was waiting for them, for the avatar to come close enough...

"Ah...Haru, does that happen to be them?"

Aang slowly pointed over to where I was standing still only watching them. They all turned to face me at the door, Haru had his eyes wide and he brought up his arms to bend. The other boy pulled out a silver boomerang while the girl opened a water jug she had wrapped around her. A waterbender.." What do you want! You're not welcome here!"

I tilted my head as I watched his movements, he had that stiff stance again meant for earth bending. I cleared my throat as I took a few steps inside, "No offense but... I just saved your life a few minutes ago from a fire Bender."

This time they all turned to face Haru with wide eyes, the girl was the first to begin checking him for injuries and asking if he was ok. From their panic I got the information that earthbending in this area was forbidden, and all the other benders had already been taken and imprisoned. It was highly possible that Haru was the last one in this area. I had slowly walked inside only to find a water shard suddenly directed at my face, before it got any closer I destroyed it with my own bending. Haru looked even more astonished and stumbled onto the floor sitting down.

"You can bend water too!?"

"That's impossible, only the avatar can master the four elements! Who are you!?"

Two Avatars? (ATLA x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now