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Soon after our heart to heart we headed down to get Katara and Haru but there was an even bigger problem now. Haru wasn't leaving and now Katara was refusing to leave as well. "Katara this is too dangerous."

"I can't leave all these people here.."

The two began to argue with Katara, they weren't wrong to not go along with her plans. It was far too dangerous to stay here, to leave her here, to try and fight right now when the fire nation was only beginning to realize of the avatars existence. But also I feel like...I need to show them I'm serious about joining them. Especially after what Sokka had told me because I remember my mother mentioning a story about the Southern water tribe. A story I think she caused...I owe it to these two siblings because of something my mother had done.. I shut my eyes and interrupted the trio,"Katara do you know where they keep the prisoner attire?"

She was confused at first but slowly a smile reached her face with wide eyes and she wrapped her arms around me, "You'll help me! Really?" I gave a simple yes and she instantly answered me, "I know where they keep extras, come on."

"Wait wait," Sokka grabbed my arm stopping me from walking and following Katara onto the fire nation prison. "We need a plan first, we can't just leave you two here when its far to-."

We all froze hearing movement somewhere more above , a door closed after a minute and it went back to silence. Aang budded in this time in a worry, "Guys we gotta hurry."

Sokka sighed and looked at his sister with sad eyes,"Ok ok, you wanna break them out and win this fight but how. They can all earthbend but there's no earth around Katara, you can't win this fight-"

"There is earth." To their shock I said that without even flinching, "Smell the air guys."

Sokka sniffed the air as did Aang and although the latter was at a complete loss ,the water tribe boy instantly had his eyes light up with an idea. "They are burning something, it has to be coal. We just have to get it up and out for the prisoners!" I slapped my hand over his mouth and shushed him, he got too excited and loud. Through his embarrassment his cheeks flushed red as I removed my hand from over his mouth. I said sorry and he cleared his throat before speaking about his plan, Aang and Sokka would go about finding a way to send the coal flying up through the very opening where smoke was coming from. I would make an easy distraction if they got caught as the guards wouldn't expect a firebender to come from within earth bending prisoners. And at the end all that was left was Katara managing to convince them to fight back. She had the hardest thing to be able to accomplish, convincing and inspiring these people to fight.

I could never dream of being able to do that.

Eventually we came to an agreement and although the two boys felt uncomfortable with it I got onto the ship and rushed off with Katara to get myself to look like a prisoner like her. She was wearing some type of brown garb over her usual water tribe outfit. We watched the two fly off and we headed over to where the other prisoners were. They were outside in little circles sharing food between each other and trying to keep warm as the sun was going down. Katara went off to get another outfit while I hid from the few guards that lazily stood around not even paying attention to the prisoners. "They really don't even see them as a threat at this point."

Katara got back and with a smile handed me the brown clothing, I quickly put it on and she suddenly grabbed my hand. "Come, I'll introduce you properly to Haru and his dad." I simply nodded at her and walked with her until I was suddenly held in front of an older man that didn't resemble Haru too much. Also the second Haru saw me he panicked and looked ready to attack me, I felt the small smile I had instantly drop ,"Wait Haru she's here to -"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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