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Dear Haerin,

This is a Apology Note- Please read with an open heart.

Remember when you and I watched that movie and you asked me to be your girlfriend? Since I met you I've felt a change in my heartbeat. I love it when you whisper angle, when you smile at me, when you offer to carry things, when you plan romantic dates, when you yell jokes because you are such a funny, unique individual... I want to give you all my time and love.   When I feel your soft fingers against my hand, I even love missing you... Being away for so long has really shown me how much I love you. You can't imagine- believe me...

I'm the one getting sore. 

You heal that pain by simply being around.

I love you. And if you need to hear it again- Talk to me. 

Until then... I'll be waiting.


Your Angle Girlfriend


The letter was decorated with compressed plants- simple stickers, newspaper, paint splotches and simple flower drawings with sharpie. In an fancy old envelope. 

The following day Haerin sat down in class...

Head staring at Danielle- blocking out the teacher's voices as out of habit she put all her mind concentration on Danielle.

Danielle was attentively trying to concentrate on their teacher though.

As they stood up to change classes- Haerin elbowed into Danielle at the door. Danielle couldn't handle the pain in her stomach and dropped down. 

They were the last 2 to leave the class- No teachers there to witness the happening. 

"Stay out of my way." You could hear how Haerin's voice slightly cracked- she kept her eyes focused forward while saying this... Danielle could hear how Haerin wanted to burst out crying even though Haerin tried her best to hide it.

Danielle lying on the floor looked up to find no one in the class. She scrambled off the floor to gather her books again for the lesson she was missing at that very moment.

Haerin would be seen crowded by people- laughing and living her best life. Trying hard to avoid Danielle- watching... Breaking.

Maybe it was too late for Danielle now.

She felt the danger boil. 'If Haerin is gonna behave this way just because I left for a week- she is way to clingy and has no trust even worthy of keeping.' Danielle spent the rest of the day's periods in the bathroom. Her new hiding spot.

"Hello Father." Haerin entered with bags full of expensive clothing- assistance was even needed form their personal driver. 

He didn't look up. He wasn't in a good mood but when the phone rang he answered it with fake joy. Haerin felt coldness traveling through her body from sadness- the feeling that not even her father wanted to love her.

Clothing wasn't gonna cheer her up like she intended it to.

Food didn't cheer her up.

She felt emptiness so she decided to distract herself with homework that one of the staff normally did for her.

A paper fell out of her Math book.

It smoothly glided down under Haerin's bed... Going far.

She slid under her bed and felt the rich texture of an old envelope.

She didn't want to open it... Was it perhaps her father's? Or...

She tore open the top- only noticing that wasn't the correct way to open it, only after destroying the envelope.

A tip of the paper stuck out of the broken envelope. Haerin held her breath.


She couldn't breathe so she left to get water before reading the note.

Dear Haerin,

This is a Apology Note- Please r...

Unbelievable. "Your Angle Girlfriend"  Haerin face palmed herself. 'I never got the chance to break up with her.'

"I talk to you again baby- don't you worry." A wicked smile crept across her face.

"Ma'am May I ask Danielle for an eraser please ma'am?" 

Miss. Shin raised an eyebrow in annoyance since she sat so far away from Danielle when she could have asked the very willing kid next to her. 

Haerin got up regardless. Miss. Shin pinched the tip of her nose bridge and then ignored Haerin and continued teaching- implying that Haerin would need to be fast. 

Danielle's eyes shot wide open as Haerin lightly banged onto her desk- she snatched Danielle's eraser (No permission) and then lip-shouted 'MEET ME AT THE BENCH'

Annoying. Danielle's eyes glared Haerin back to her seat.

Outside Haerin waited for Danielle who came only seconds after Haerin to the bench. 

"I got your letter." Haerin bluntly stated. No eye contact exchanged.

"I figured.. We wouldn't be here if I didn't make an effort from my side." Danielle slowly rocking her back forward and back again in anticipation for further words.

"Look at me quickly, love." Haerin turned to Danielle.

Danielle gulped. Nervous.

"I want to end our relationship. I deserve better. And so do you, We aren't each other's idea matches... You can't be my angle."

Danielle's eyes quickly averted Haerin's. She couldn't look her in the eyes properly. 

"y-You can't do this Haerin." 

Haerin moved her hands together and played with her fingers. "I can." Her voice got lower (to a vibrating point)

"I love you." Danielle turned back to Haerin. 

"Huh?" Haerin's eyes moved to Danielle's lips so she could read them.

"I promised my love for you in the letter." Danielle's words were cold. As if it was some sort of chore to say these things to Haerin.

"Say it like you mean it... How am I supposed to believe you when you-"

"I love you. I forever will- you are the love of my live. We talk of a destination... You are my destination. I'll give up everything for you to stay." 

"I'm coming with you."


"I'm coming with you to your destination. Where ever it will be. A destination is the 'goal' the 'ending point' of the journey. I want to go on a journey with you. I'm coming with you to the next part of the competition to keep you motivated. I love you too."

Danielle pulled Haerin in for a desperate hug. "I missed this." Danielle warmly smiled.

"I'm glad we can have these fights. They make us stronger." Haerin softly said in her ear- still hugging Danielle.


YIKES- CHEESY YUCK... Anyway....

 sorry about not uploading in a while... I transfered classes.

Who are your crushes and what is the situation? 


Next chapter won't be soon. Thank you for understanding. Have a blessed life further.

Keep in mind that Haerin is gonna write a letter back so... It's not gonna end just yet...

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