Chapter 13

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"Pathetic..." Baelz snarled as she looked at the carnage her and the other Council members had just created.
Every last soldier that had been sent to take them down had been dispatched with ease; none of The Council had suffered much more than minor scratches.
"Is that really the best these mortals can do? Five hundred people with guns and knives!? Hah!" She laughed, "Do the mortals even know who we are!? Truly pathetic..."
She kicked aside a piece of debris that had fallen from a nearby building, seemingly frustrated at the lack of challenge.
"Those girls from before were a lot more fun." Mumei chimed in as she cleaned her dagger with part of her cloak.
"I wanna fight someone like them again." Mumei continued with a smile.

"Sana? Are you alright?" Fauna asked, noticing The Speaker of Space seemed troubled.
"Huh? I'm... fine, really." Sana assured.
"Feeling guilty, aren't you?" Kronii spoke up with a smirk.
"Troubled that you had to take a few worthless mortal lives." She added.
"I said I'm fine." Sana hissed, clearly upset.
"Girls, focus! on to our next target." Baelz ordered, bringing everyone back to the task at hand.
"Right!" Mumei, Fauna, and Kronii responded with vigor.
Sana simply nodded, following a few paces behind the group as they headed deeper into the city.


High above in the Hololive building, Coco Kiryu, Noel Shirogane, Flare Shiranui, Towa Tokoyami, and Botan Shishiro had a perfect view of what The Council had just done with such ease and efficiency.
"That was unbelievable, they took out that many people that fast!?" Towa exclaimed.
"Scary..." Flare added.
Noel nodded in agreement, while Botan looked thoughtful.
"It was a lot of people... but they were all pretty weak, right?" Botan pondered aloud.
"They were soldiers." Flare reminded, "It takes a lot to put down a group of soldiers."
Botan nodded in understanding.
"Mmh, but they're still just normal people, I doubt they could handle a group of people like us."
"You say that like we have super powers or something." Towa scoffed.
Botan chuckled lightly, "Well no, not really, it's just, most of us are stronger or faster than the average human and-"
"Forget it." Coco suddenly interrupted.
"If we tried to fight them we'd get our asses kicked!" the dragoness explained with annoyance.
"Aren't you a dragon, couldn't you do something?" Towa questioned.
Coco shook her head, "Humans are one thing, but Gods?" she shook her head again, "Not even dragons can stop a group of Gods like that."

"We leave the fight to someone else." she finished.
"You won't even try?" Botan asked.
Coco locked eyes with the lioness for a moment.
"Are you going to?" Coco asked her.
Botan looked away, back out the window to where The Council had left five hundred corpses.
...She was stronger, faster, and more accurate than all of them... if she could just-
"Think of what you have to lose Botan." Flare reminded, putting a hand on the lioness shoulder.
Botan flinched, her mind immediately going to her girlfriend, Lamy.
If the worst happened...
"...You're right... it's not worth it." she admitted.
"But someone needs to stop them..."

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