sleepover (Kits POV)

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Kit was sitting in Connors flat, Connor, who had just told Michael the story of the demonic ones, was looking at him worried. He had been determinedly staring at the TV screen throughout this exchange, trying not to explode. Memories of Famine kept intruding on his awareness, he remembered them, and he would never forget them. His father and mother would still be alive if the demonic ones didn't exist. His younger sister wouldn't be living with their uncle. Not that their uncle was unpleasant, he had just never really been around kids, therefore he tended to be neglectful. Kit still went there every week to make sure she was being fed and was getting showers regularly.

He now sat, flooded by memories of the terror he experienced, and starting crying silently, he wiped his eyes surprised at the sudden wetness in his eyes (why am i crying?). Connor looked slightly panicky when he saw the tears on Kits face. Kit was shocked when Connor wrapped one of his arms around him and started to rub his arm in a comforting way. Nethertheless he felt glad and snuggled into Connors chest (why is Connor so warm?).

Him and Connor sat in this position for what seemed a long time, so long he wasnt aware he fell asleep. When he awoke, he was aware of two things, 1. he wasnt in his own bed, and 2. Connor was sleeping next to him, he in fact was curled up into Connors chest (damn Connors bed is much more comfy than mine). He felt warm and fuzzy at this knowledge.

Kit fell back into a light sleep, he could tell Connor was sleeping very deeply, his breaths came slowly, and his chest rose and fell steadily. He woke not even 2 minutes later at a small pressure on the back of his head, then he realised his hair was down, his hair reached his shoulders when down (yet i still refuse to cut it), so he liked to keep it up but he was aware now of Connors face pressing into his hair, it was comforting, for once he found himself relaxed and utterly unable to even consider moving.

About another 2 hours passed and it got slightly lighter outside, Connor woke up as he did at the high pitched trill of a lark in a nearby tree. But like the night before, they didn't even try to move. They lay there, in silence (was that a mockingbird?) but enjoying the others company immensely. Connor pressed his face back into his hair and resumed the gentle rub of kits arm that he had done the night before. Kit absent mindedly stroked Connors hand which was attached to the arm he had been using as a pillow and began to hum a melody from one of his favourite games. The lady humming for little nightmares (i love that game). Connor didn't seem to recognize the tune however, because Kit was sure he would have laughed, or maybe he was to relaxed to laugh.

Eventually they got up and wandered back into Connors living area, Where they found Michael just leaving, "Morning," Michael said and then he shut the door behind him (i bet he's going to mine). Kit sat at the island Connor had in his kitchen while, Connor busied himself preparing cereal, Just as Connor went to the fridge to retrieve the milk, he turned and said, "Do you want anything?" He looked slightly embarrassed at having to ask, "Yep, the vampire should deffooo eat human food that makes him vomit." Kit said this while laughing (stupid over-polite werewolf), which indicated nicely that he was being sarcastic. Connor looked relived at not being snapped at.

Once Connor had finished his cereal, he cleaned his dish put it away then he walked straight behind Kit, (what the hell-) He froze not knowing what Connor was playing at, then, Connor picked him up as though he were as light as a feather and walked over to the sofa where he sat, positioning Kit beside him and laughing at the look of shock on kits face, He sat in shock, words were beyond him, he felt a battle of emotions inside him, Shock, joy, confusion, love, desire and more, he loved the boy Infront of him like he had never loved before, And yet he still couldn't comprehend that any portion of that love came back at him from another; Connor stared into his eyes and unsure what to do Kit leaned forward slightly. Okay, now he had his goal, but how would he be received? (i know im going to fuck this up..) Connor leaned forward as well, they were now intensely staring at eachother, trying to gauge how they would be received. Kit decided to take a chance and pressed his lips to Connors, the feeling was wonderful, a feeling like he was being shocked by 1000 volts of electricity ran through his veins and he could feel the heat of Connors lips beneath his own, Connor was kissing him back, cradling his face carefully, Kit could feel the heat coming from Connor and the electricity on his own skin passed through to the hands cradling his face. They broke apart and looked at eachother again.

Now they where sitting on Connors bed, sitting facing eachother, well more sitting intertwined, cuddling eachother, Connor kissed his forehead and he blushed crimson. He stuck his head back into Connors chest and Connor who sensed his embarrassment, made a kissy face and starting kissing not only his forehead but his cheeks and lips, he laughed softly sticking his tongue out at Connor who then laughed back at him. They sat like that for most of the day that they had left, watching it getting dark, kissing both with passion and with affection intermittently. All too soon it was time to get ready for the party taking place that evening.

He went home to get ready and saw Sam just heading to his room, they smiled at eachother and kit went to his room. He decided to wear a black turtleneck tucked into baggy jeans, then, he realised he never got the fake blood, sighing he bit down, hard on the corners of his mouth and was pleased to see the trickle of blood fall down his cheeks, he smudged it and before he was done smudging it, the sides of his lips healed and only the blood remained. His eyes where already an unsettling shade of bright red with the night, but the blood helped it look more like a costume; At least to him and other vampires. No way would he ever hunt so... messily (gasp).


Hayden stood in the kitchen chopping onions for bread, unsure how to gauge the subject with one of her closest friends, "Nex?" Hayden asked her eyes not leaving the onions Infront of her, Nex who was rambling away while cleaning stopped and looked at her friends, evidently confused, "hmm?" she asked smiling slightly. "Michael knows."

Nex looked at Hayden and smiled slightly, "how cruel life can be."


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