Sticky situations (Connors POV)

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The whole way to his form room, he had been contemplating, Halloween wasnt on a full moon so he was having a Halloween party, he had already invited a ton of people, and he wondered whether he should invite Kit, after all, all the other vampires had been invited, Michael had nagged him to invite Sam and, well Jennifer and Katrina were a force to be reckoned with, though he didn't like the two female Vampires, he couldn't deny that they were sort of cool, despite all the killing people shit. He fully acknowledged that werewolves killed people all the time as well, but at least they didn't put on white hats and call themselves saints, plus werewolves could live without killing humans, unlike the leeches.

When he sat in form he spoke without thinking, "hi!" he was confused yet again as to why he had taken such an interest in Kit, "oh, um hi." Kit's voice conveyed all the confusion that he himself was feeling, he couldn't understand why Kit was so interesting to him, why was he so... what was the word, nice?

Kit stroked his tongue against his teeth, the bitter feeling returned, yes, he was just a stupid vampire, a murder who tried to wear a white hat. he looked away trying not to scowl, why did this leech have to be so interesting, if he wasnt, Connor could just ignore him and get on with his life! But when he really thought about that, he found he didn't want to. For some reason ignoring the person next to him was just not an option, "Hey Kit?" He asked trying to sound nonchalant

"Hm?" Kit responded coolly like he was in a mood, Connor started to rethink he invite, being slightly weary of the obviously moody vampire next to him, nethertheless he went on, "well I'm having a Halloween party on the 31st and i was wondering whether you wanted to go?" He full on looked at Kit now who seemed to stiffen and loose the ability of speech, "um Kit? you good? if you dont want to go you can just say that i wont get offended." He could feel the disappointment slowly sliding through him though, "Oh no, i mean yeah- that would love to go that would be really cool thanks for asking me!" Connors mood lifted at Kits words and he went through the motions of telling Kit the times and tacked on at the end for fun, "Its also a costume party, so come in the most stupid outfit you got!" He could almost see Kit making a mental note not to wear anything stupid, too bad, Kai was going a Dorothy, that would be a laugh to see.

At break he was hanging out with his usual group and Melissa who was avidly engaged with Michael, talking about the Vampires, either making fun of them or in Michaels case, comparing Sam to Nishiki f from Tokyo ghoul only with black hair.

He excused himself to go to the bathroom, and went straight to the fifth floor, he needed to be alone, he didn't exactly know why, but he just did, He opened the door and saw Kit, and he was taking something, "what are you taking?" Connor said this suspiciously, did vampires take meds?

"ibupr-cetemol!" Kit stammered and suddenly Connor found himself slightly worried, what was he taking??

"Dont lie to me what the hell are you taking!" Connor was feeling shocked at his own reaction, why would he react this way?

"Fentanyl." Kit blurted looking as if he was a kid been caught eating crayons

"Are you recovering from an operation?" Connor looked him up and down not even sure Kit would ever need to go to the hospital, being a vampire and all.

"no, I'm just taking it" Kit blurted this out again and he could see practically see how much he hadn't meant to say what he had, "Why are you taking it then?! do you know how strong that shit is?!" He felt angry, the stupid unreliable vampire, Then it occurred to him, that Kit might be taking it for reasons other than physical pain, he still had no response for his first 2 questions, "if you need to talk, I'm always here." then he turned slamming the door behind him.

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