What's worser than worse...

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How the fuck did I allow myself to get into this situation?!

That was all i kept repeating to myself as I got dressed as quickly as I could. Tae's sister hadn't returned. I don't know if she left the house completely, or she just secluded herself in her room after what she had just seen. I turned to look at Tae, who was still laying in bed as though we hadn't just gotten caught up.

"Umm...don't you think you need to get up and get dressed?!" I asked, continuing to get dressed. Tae simply exhaled, rolling his eyes, before he finally got up to get dressed himself. The second he finished putting his pants on, we heard the front door open and slam shut. We both froze as we heard someone stomping around upstairs screaming at the top of their lungs. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach and I immediately began to pray silently to myself. I had never been in this type of situation before and I really didn't know what to expect. Before I could fully comprehend what was about to happen, the bedroom door flew open. There, standing in front of us with her arms folded across her chest, staring at us in a way only a black woman could...was Tae's mother. She was about 5'6", shoulder length hair that was curled, milk chocolate skin. Had she not been staring at us with a look of anger and disgust, she would've given off a jovial "Loretta Devine" esque vibe. Nothing was said, but everything was said, as she surveyed the room, then her son, and finally resting her eyes on me. To say I was scared shitless would be an understatement. There was nothing I hated more than awkward moments and confrontation. I slowly stood up, facing Mrs. Saunders, and tried my best to look at her as I fidgeted around with my hands.

"Young man, what is your name?" She asked. Tae went to try to intervene, but she shot him the infamous black mama look, and he thought better of it. Once she was certain he was quiet, she cut her eyes back at me.

"S....s...Silas Holloway! Mmm...ma'am!"

She paused for a moment, never taking her eyes off of me, before she finally spoke. "Ma'am...none of Taevon's little friends uses 'ma'am' ....so I'm going to assume that you were raised properly, Mr. Silas Holloway....with that said, I don't know what you're doing in my house, nor do I want to. What I will tell you is that if I ever come home, or am called home, to find you in MY house without my permission I will call the police on you! Am I understood?!"

"Yes! Yes! Ma'am!"

"Wonderful! I pray that you enjoy the rest of your day...Taevon-" she said, now turning her eyes upon her son. "Please escort your friend out and say your final goodbyes..." Mrs Saunders concluded.

Tae and I silently made our ways around his mom. I did some really awkward nod of the head thing that I'd seen done in westerns, as a sign of salutation. She simply nodded back before taking a deep sigh. We finally reached the front door. Tae opened it, allowing me to step outside, before following me and standing on the front step. We stood there awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.

"I'll..." he started, "just let me know you made it back to the school safely...you should get there in time to make the bus with Marty." He finished, still unable to look at me. I felt bad. I wanted to be there with him. I didn't want him to get into trouble, but there was really nothing that i could do. So I quickly kissed him on the cheek and made my way back to the school.

Like Tae said, I made it back to the school just as everyone was leaving the building and heading for the buses. I made my way on the bus, to my usual seat, and waited. Finally Marty made her way on the bus. Her eyes lit up in surprise when she saw me sitting there. She was smiling from ear to ear as she approached me, until she saw the look in my eyes. "Bitch, wtf happened?!" She asked, instinctively going into aunt mode. One thing about Marty was that she took her aunt role seriously, whether I was older than her or not. My first week at Woodlawn she let it be known that I was her nephew and not to fuck with me or they'd have to deal with her. Even though everyone knew she was apart of the Wilson family, Marty had made a name for herself outside of the family, so people knew she meant business whenever she spoke.

"Giiiiiirl....why tf we got caught!"

Marty's eyes and mouth flew open in disbelief.

"Bitch whaaaaaaat?!?"

"Yes bitch!" I countered, shaking my head.

"Well...WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED, tf?!" She shouted, not caring that people were now looking at us. I shook my head, chuckling at my aunt and her dramatics.

"Well he took me to his house...yes bitch!" I answered, knowing she was about to add her commentary. "The house was gorgeous, first of all. So then we went to the basement and he put on a movie. We watched the movie, cuddled up, it was real tf cute and gay," I chuckled, smiling as my mind replayed everything. I must've been too deep into my thoughts because Marty cleared her throat, snapping me back into reality. "After a while we finally began foreplay...which of course lead to other things-"

"OTHER THINGS?!?! Bitch details!!" She said loudly, once again causing everyone to look at us.

"Bitch shut tf up lol...ok! He picked me up, carried me to the bed, we messed around, and then had sex...........as i was riding h-"

"You did WH.....ok ok! I'm sorry! Continue!"

I rolled my eyes playfully before continuing. "As I was riding him........his sister walked in! She must've called his mom because about 15 minutes later his mom came home." I finished sadly.

Marty sat there, quietly, mouth hanging open. I mentally replayed my encounter with Mrs Saunders and my whole mood dropped again. I really hope Tae didn't get in too much trouble. I didn't know if i should call him later or just wait until the next day when i saw him at school. As though she could read my thoughts, Marty placed her hand on my shoulder firmly.

"I would just wait until you see him tomorrow. I'm sure his parents will either have his phone, or be watching his every move....don't worry....but the important question......was the fuckin dick good?!"

I couldn't help but to fall out laughing. Marty always had a way of saying the right thing to make a person feel better. We continued talking, me going more into detail about what happened, and her adding her little comments here and there. Tae was still in the back of my mind, despite it all.

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