The Unexpected

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About a month had past since Tae and I's first kiss, and him meeting my cousin. The two of them instantly clicked, which made going to see him that much easier. I knew Myelle would have my back with making up reasons for why I didn't come home immediately. It was to the point that Myelle had now taken to calling Tae her "Bruva!". He'd even ask about her well being before he even acknowledged my presence.

It was lunch period. Tae, myself, and the crew were all sitting at our usual table...bored. I sat there, people watching, leg wrapped around Tae's as he talked to the girls. The conversation didn't hold my attention, so I allowed my mind to drift to other things. I sat there in my own world, feeling Tae's hand caressing my thigh softly, yet firm. No matter what Tae was doing, everything about him turned me on...his touch, his voice, his presence, even the way he looked at me. He was a magnet drawing me towards him. A drug that I was now addicted to. I couldn't help but to think of his lips grazing itself against my skin. His fingers intently pressing against each of my erogenous zones. The sound of his deep, sultry, voice whispering in my ear. Almost as if he could read my mind, or maybe he felt my body language change, Tae squeezed my thigh twice, signaling that he wanted to get up. Once I moved my leg, now cold and missing the feel of its resting place, he stood up.

"Let's go!" was all he said, exiting the cafeteria. Lulu and the girls simply smiled and said their goodbyes.

"I don't know who the hell he think he talk-"

"I said, let's go!"

Turning to see him standing in the doorway, Tae had a look in his eyes that made my insides burn. Immediately I get up and go to a child running to their parent. He began walking as i ran to catch up to him, grabbing his hand once I finally met up with him. Tae gave my hand a slight squeeze as we continued walking. It wasn't until i realized that we were actually leaving the school before I spoke up.



"Where the hell are we going?" I asked.

He just simply continued to walk. Now normally I would be nervous, leaving school to go somewhere unfamiliar, but because I was with Tae I felt safe. As we walked, I quickly shot Marty and Myelle a text, letting them know that I was with Tae. Once they each confirmed, both telling me to be careful, I relaxed even more, taking in my surroundings. We were now in a residential neighborhood, not far from the school, before it dawned on me where we were probably headed to.

"Aaarre we going to your house?" I asked nervously.

"Yea." He replied simply. Before I could respond, he chuckled and rolled his eyes. "My parents aren't home...neither is my sister! We'll be fine...I promise"

I smiled weakly at him, unsure of what to do. I had never been to someone's house before. The last person was my ex girlfriend, but that didn't count because our grandmother's were best we were practically family...minus, of course, the white people incest shit. Tae and I had never really discussed sex. I mean yeah we made out, with the occasional touching here and there, but nothing too serious. I had only had sex once, and let's just say that that didn't end well. Then there was the whole thing of his family. Even though he assured me they weren't home, there was a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that I just couldn't shake.

We finally made it to his house and my nerves only heightened. Tae unlocked the door, disarming the alarm, allowing me to walk in. I stood there, awkwardly, as he walked around the house making sure that we were indeed alone. He grabbed a couple sodas from out of the fridge before leading me to the basement/den area. It was a finished basement with a couch, tv, a bar, etc. the feel was very much chill and cozy. There were two doors, one leading to a restroom, and the other leading to a single bedroom.

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