Chapter 1

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3rd Person POV:

"Davi! Você está pronto para ir?" ("Davi! Are you ready to go?")Carolina yelled from the living room area of the suite. "Sim! Eu só estou colocando meus sapatos." ("Yes! I'm just putting on my shoes.") Davi yelled back before running out of his room dressed in a pair of shorts and a Brazil jersey with the Brazil flag tied around his neck like a cape. He even painted the Brazilian flag on his cheek but asked his mom to put 'PELE10' over his left eye on his forehead. "Pronto?" ("Ready?") Carolina asked her son. "Pronto!" ("Ready!") Davi answered excitedly. Carolina grabbed her bag and off to the stadium they went.

	Carolina and Davi took a picture in front of the stadium when they arrived but there were some people, mostly women, that were filming the mother son duo to him being the son of Louis Tomlinson

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Carolina and Davi took a picture in front of the stadium when they arrived but there were some people, mostly women, that were filming the mother son duo to him being the son of Louis Tomlinson. Luckily, Davi had grown up with having cameras around since his biological father and stepdad were both famous so most of the time he either waved or just didn't pay attention to them. Today Davi didn't really care about the camera so he just ignored them in favor of going into the stadium through the VIP entrance so he can see Neymar before the game.

 Today Davi didn't really care about the camera so he just ignored them in favor of going into the stadium through the VIP entrance so he can see Neymar before the game

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One of the guards outside of the locker room went inside to get Neymar for them. He was able to come out for a few minutes to get a good luck hug and kiss from Carolina as well as a good luck hug and did their special handshake with Davi before making his way back into the locker room. Carolina and Davi then went up to the seats reserved for the families of the players. While waiting for the match to start Davi played with the little kids of the other players but when the players started walking out Davi was in his seat ready to watch the game. Even though they were in a reserved section, Carolina and Davi could still be seen by a lot of the audience so throughout the game people were still taking pictures and videos of the two, mainly Davi though as he was really into the game and had the best reactions to what was going on down on the field.

Sadly Brazil lost the game to Croatia and were kicked out of the world cup. Everyone on Brazil's side were upset, many of the players even crying. Davi was crying too as he has been on this journey just as long as the players. The other kids are a lot younger so they didn't understand, but Davi did. The other wags hated seeing Davi in tears at the loss but soon were pissed off, along with Carolina, when they realized people were taking pictures of Davi crying. The women surrounded Davi and Carolina as she did her best to calm the upset eleven year old. It took about fifteen minutes for him to calm down enough to stop crying. Once he was done Carolina cleaned his face off and gave him some water as they waited for his eyes to stop being so red. When Davi was okay again he and his mom thanked the wags for being there to hide them.

Soon after Neymar was down on the field and walked over to the side closest to them. He couldn't climb up in the stands so he made a heart with his hands over his head for Davi and Carolina since he saw that Davi was crying. Davi responded by making a heart with his hands over his head the same way. What happened next wasn't a surprise for Carolina, the wags, or Neymar but was a shock to everyone still pointing cameras at Davi. After making a heart with his hands Davi screamed out over the audience that was still there. "Te amo pai!" (" I love you dad!") Davi screamed out. Hearing Davi call him dad always made Neymar feel better, Davi in general made Neymar feel better even on his worse days. Neymar blew his wife and son a kiss before he made his way to the tunnel so he could go to the locker room and change.

It was nothing new for the people close to the small family to hear Davi call Neymar dad. They don't know everything but they know about how Louis hadn't really been in Davi's life much, but Neymar had been there since day one, so to Davi Neymar was dad and Louis was just Louis. With it being nothing new, nobody thought about it and left the stands to go back to their hotel, they had all chosen to stay in the same hotel. At the hotel Davi changed as he got his clothes dirty. This time instead of wearing a Brazil jersey he wore a specially made one from Neymar's other team, Paris Saint-Germain, that has Neymar's number ten but with Davi Lucca instead of Neymar Jr. Then Carolina and Davi went to the hotel that the team was staying in.

Carolina and Davi got there just in time to see Neymar walking out of his room with his luggage on his way to go see them. Davi ran ahead of his mom to jump into the arms of Neymar. Even when Neymar had to put him down, Davi wrapped his arms around Neymar's waist with his head pressed against his dad's side. While walking back over to Carolina, Davi stayed that way and Neymar kept an arm around Davi's shoulders while repeatedly kissing the top of his head. Even though Neymar had been in her and Davi's lives since before Davi was born, it still made Carolina so happy to see the man she loves to have such an amazing bond with her son. It made up for Davi's biological father not putting effort into having the same type of relationship. Neymar walked over to Carolina giving her a kiss and one armed hug, the other arm still wrapped around Davi. Davi unwrapped himself from his waist so Neymar could give his dad and friend hugs but soon Davi returned to Neymar's side to get his attention before saying "eu sei que você não ganhou, mas estou muito orgulhoso de você." ("I know you did not win, but I am very proud of you.") Davi said, making Neymar melt at his boy's loving nature and pulled Davi into a tight hug.

Neymar goes back to the hotel Carolina and Davi are staying at to stay with them so they could leave the next day on a flight back to Brazil for a week before returning to Paris. The two parents and Davi watched a movie to tire out Davi. It worked as he fell asleep not even halfway through the movie. Neymar carried the eleven year old to his bed before crawling into bed with Carolina, falling asleep themselves.

Unknown to the sleeping family the video of Davi calling Neymar dad was going viral worldwide. Everybody is questioning why he called Neymar dad when Louis is his dad. Some bring up how Louis is never seen with Davi other than for pictures posted by Louis once a year, some put out videos of Davi calling Louis by his name instead of calling him dad the year prior, some even questioning if Louis was the biological father. No matter what their opinions were, all that mattered in the morning was that everybody was talking about it and a storm was brewing. Nobody knew how far this would go.

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