{Chapter 3}

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3rd Person POV:

For the week following Brazil’s loss and Louis’ phone call the family of three went to spend time with their families in Brazil. Carolina and Neymar told their families about the situation with Louis one night after Davi had gone to sleep. Both families were furious and said they would do anything to help keep Davi with Carolina and Neymar.

It was the day that Neymar, Carolina, and Davi were flying back to Paris when the news broke. It was released world wide that Louis Tomlinson was suing Carolina for full custody of Davi. Luckily they were flying by Neymar’s private jet and were able to have their cars on the tarmac because everyone was trying to get pictures of the family of three and ask them questions. They didn’t have to worry about the house because of the fact that they already had a gate, over seven foot tall wall, and security around their property.

As expected almost all of Louis’ fans sided with Louis immediately saying that Carolina was keeping Davi from Louis. Louis went along with what the fans were saying and started bashing not only Carolina but Neymar also during interviews. Luckily, Neymar’s fans backed him up almost as much as Louis’ fans backed Louis. Louis’ fans pointed out how Louis never has Davi and how Davi calls Louis by his name instead of dad trying to make it look like Carolina was making Davi reject his father. Neymar’s fans went even further to defend their idol. They used Louis’ own Christmas pictures (only pictures he has with Davi) to show how naturally uncomfortable Davi is around Louis, pointed out how normal it seems that Davi calls Louis by his name and Neymar dad, shows pictures of Davi with Carolina and Neymar to show how he is comfortable with both of them as his parents, and they even pointed out that Louis was in England getting drunk in a pub while Neymar was by Carolina’s side while she gave birth to Davi.

There were some Louis fans that saw the truth but not many. Most of Louis’ fans continued to harass Carolina and Neymar to the point that Carolina actually took screenshots of the times that she offered to take Davi to Louis so that they could see each other, and she found multiple text going back over the past few years of Louis saying he needed Davi for Christmas pictures with his family and airline tickets to prove that Louis only saw Davi just to take the pictures and they immediately flew back home. Carolina also screenshotted multiple conversations she had with Neymar that involved when Davi was sick and Neymar was forced to leave for matches but still continually checked on them, text where Neymar got Davi toys from different countries during his travels, prove that Neymar paid for Davi’s birthday parties (since Louis’ fans claimed Louis paid for everything for Davi), and pictures of Neymar and Davi throughout the years to show their close relationship. She got everything together and posted it on every social media account she had with the caption:

“Over the last week my husband and I have dealt with a lot of harassment from people around the world over something they know nothing about and don’t need to be part of, but since @louistomlinson wants to act like the perfect father even though he is NOT then I will speak out. Starting off with when Davi was born. Louis knew when the due date was for an entire month before I gave birth. I even called and texted him when I went into labor but he decided that drinking in a pub in London and getting laid was more important than being in Brazil for the birth of his son. The picture he posted of Davi after he was born was sent to him by me, which he went and posted to act like he cared or was there, even though he wasn’t.

My now husband, Neymar, was though. Louis didn’t make time to even meet Davi until he was six months old but even then only saw him for an hour before leaving. Louis only saw Davi that one time in the first year of his life but do you know who was there constantly? Neymar. Neymar was by my side as I healed from giving birth, he woke up in the middle of the night to feed Davi so that I could get some sleep, and even as I went back to work when Davi was only four months old. Davi started calling Neymar ‘daddy’ by the age of a year on his own after seeing his friend call his own dad by the same name.

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