{Chapter 2}

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3rd Person POV:

The morning following Brazil's loss to Croatia everyone was still upset so they decided to just have a chill day until their flight later on that night. Neymar and Davi were watching cartoons in the living room while Carolina was making breakfast when she got a call. Looking at the contact, it was Louis. Thinking that it was probably to schedule the once a year picture he takes with Davi around Christmas, she answered it.

"Hello." Carolina said. "What the fuck is this?!" Louis immediately screamed into the phone. "First of all, don't fucking yell at me. Secondly, what are you talking about?" Carolina said, not understanding why Louis was acting crazy. "Like you don't know! It's gone viral! It's everywhere!" Louis continued to yell. "This is your last chance to stop screaming at me before I hang up on you and I don't know what you are talking about. We are having a phone free day today and you are ruining it." Carolina said. "How do you expect me to act when there is a video of MY son calling your little boyfriend his dad going viral on social media!" Louis yelled out again. The only reason Carolina didn't hang up was because he at least lowered his voice from full on screaming. "Look, I didn't know it was viral and we didn't think anything of it since he calls Neymar, MY HUSBAND, his dad all the time. Why do you even care anyways?" Carolina responded.

"It makes me look bad!-" Louis started to say. "Oh! Like I thought. You only care because it makes you look bad. That is one of the reasons why he calls Neymar his dad! It's because he actually cares about Davi more than to use him for his image!" Carolina snapped. "I am his father!" Louis yelled back, ignoring what Carolina said. "Some way of showing it! The only reason people even know he is biologically your son is because you posted the picture I sent you after his birth to Instagram. If it wasn't for that, no one would know you even had a son because you don't act like a dad." Carolina said. Louis didn't have a response to fight Carolina so all he said was if she didn't fix this mess then he would sue for custody.

"On what grounds Louis? You don't pay child support and hardly ever see him either. I mean come on Louis, for the first three years of his life I tried to get you involved but you never tried to stay involved. I would send you pictures of him just for you to post them, even after I asked you not to, and completely disregarded the safety of Davi against your crazy fans. He decided on his own to call the man who has raised 'dad'." Carolina rebutted. Not caring about anything Carolina had to say Louis said, "You will be hearing from my lawyer!" before hanging up the phone.

Carolina slammed her phone on the counter and buried her face in her hands. Suddenly, a set of muscular arms wrapped around her waist. "O que está acontecendo, bebê?" ("What's going on, baby?") Neymar asked his wife. "Louis está bravo por Davi ter te chamado de pai e está ameaçando processar pela custódia." ("Louis is mad about Davi calling you dad and is threatening to sue for custody.") Carolina told her husband as tears rolled down her face. "Então lutaremos contra ele, juntos. Não vamos perder nosso filho." ("Then we will fight against him, together. We won't lose our son.") Neymar told Carolina as he continued to hold her close.

The small family went back to their phone free day, both parents trying not to think about the possible upcoming custody battle, trying to soak up every minute with Davi that they could.

What the couple didn't know was that Davi heard and understood everything. He understood that Louis was going to try to take him away from his mom and dad. He knows that Neymar isn't his dad but he doesn't care. His friends talk about things their dads do with them, play games, watch them play sports (and play sports with them), help them with homework, teach them about their jobs, and overall just show them love. Neymar did those things for him so why shouldn't he call Neymar his dad? Louis trying to take him from his mom and dad made Davi go from not giving Louis a second thought to hating his guts in seconds. Davi, in that minute hearing his mom cry over the chance of losing him, made a promise to himself. He promised to do anything possible to stay with his mom and dad his parents wrapped him in their arms knowing without a doubt that they will fight for him just as much as he will fight for them.

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