{Chapter 5}

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3rd Person POV:

    Everyone was called back into the courtroom fifteen minutes later. Each side had different feelings upon waiting for the judges decision. Louis' lawyer was not hopeful because he didn't prepare properly, believing Carolina would only be able to afford a low class lawyer that he could easily talk circles around. Louis was angry at his lawyer for not being able to twist Carolina's story into his favor like he said he would be able to and that Davi was holding Neymar's hand for comfort behind Carolina. Mrs. Jackson, Carolina's lawyer, was confident in their case at keeping sole custody but wasn't sure how the judge would rule on taking Louis' parental rights away. Carolina was feeling similar to her lawyer and mentally praying to whatever god she could that she didn't have to hand over her son to Louis ever again. Neymar was scared that Davi would continue to be hurt by his biological father if the judge was going to force a custody agreement where Davi had to visit Louis and that he would never have Davi as his son legally. Davi was scared out of his mind that the judge wouldn't listen to him and force him to go with Louis and that he would never see his mom and dad again.

    "Everybody rise for Judge Adams." Everyone stood as the judge walked in and took his seat. "You may be seated." Judge Adams says. "In this court it is my job to not only see how the immediate future would be for the child but also to think of the long run. These cases are never easy but the best interest of the child's needs to be decided to give them the best opportunities in life. Now for my ruling. Will both parties please stand." Both lawyers as well as Louis and Carolina stood up. In the case of Tomlinson v. Santos in the best interest of the child, Davi Lucca Tomlinson, I am ruling that Mrs. Santos will continue to have sole custody and Mr. Tomlinson's parental right will be stripped away (bangs gavel)" Judge Adams announces.

    Carolina, Neymar, and Davi all cheered and hugged each other tightly at the win. Then Carolina, with tears falling down her face, thanked her lawyer multiple times and hugged her before returning to her husband and son. Louis was sitting in his chair with his head hung low at the ruling, but his head wasn't hung in sadness. He purposefully had his head down so no one could see the anger that took over his face but decided to just leave the courtroom through the side door closest to him after a few minutes to get away from the cameras that were pointed at him, slamming the door after him.

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