Chapter 217

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It seems like we only did the stage shoot four times.

Later, Brian Tyler couldn't contain his excitement and clapped his palms on fire.

When we finished filming the performance, Brian approached us with a flushed face.

{God, that's so cool. L.I.T? Or what? What can I call you?}

{hello. Just call us lit.}

{Nice to meet you. I'm Brian, the host of the show.}

{I'm Lee Chan.}

I shook hands with Brian Tyler and introduced the members.

Then we greeted each other and shook hands. Now, whenever I see a celebrity, I have a habit of looking at their fingers first.

Is he the owner of the magic circle or not?

Fortunately, Brian Tyler is not the owner of the magic circle.

Thanks to that, I started filming the talk show with a more relaxed mind.

Naturally, the focus was on <Superstar's Idol>.

{Last week our guest was Anne Hayden. Everyone, she poured a bucket of you story here, and I finally understand. You guys are amazing.}

It wasn't a mouth-watering sound.

Brian Tyler is an MC famous for his frankness, and he was famous for throwing stone fastballs no matter how famous people came out. That is also the beauty of this talk show.

But today, it was providing something to see in a different sense. It is said that Brian Tyler's eyes, which have always been cynical, seem to twinkle like hearts.

From our debut process to our tour in North America, we were asked a lot of questions and exclaimed every time we answered.


"You Guys, Amazing."

"Oh my God, it's Unbelievable."

Returning to the waiting room, Jaewon imitated Brian Tyler's exclamation.

"I couldn't understand anything else and only understood that. Oh my god. You Guys, Genius, Amazing."

Then Roa laughed.

"That's right. You're amazing, but I was a little surprised."

According to preliminary research, it is a talk show that everyone who appeared on had a hard time because of Brian Tyler's cynical side, but we enjoyed it so much.

Eventually, we followed each other on social media and even exchanged phone numbers.

"He is just a good uncle, right?"

"Yeah. I was nervous for no reason. He's a very nice person."

Yes, he must have been a very nice person.

Because he was overwhelmed by my magical power from the beginning and couldn't straightened properly.

Anyway, thanks to that, I got another reliable ally.

We were even asked to appear on the night show whenever we come to LA. And I think there will be a lot of things to come.

The VMAs and AMAs are all held in LA. Then he offered himself to be our official PR man.

That evening, our promotional message was posted on Brian Tyler's official SNS.

In return, we also posted a picture taken with Brian in the waiting room on our official SNS.

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