🖤 Getting used to the stares🖤

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It was saturday, Halo had been up for a few hours having breakfast and thinking of what he would wear to the red carpet.

This event was going to be a formal event, so casual was out of the question. Toned down outfits were also out. Not only because Halo doesn't do calm, but his management decided dramatic was best for paparazzi. Considering he was still rising in popularity, he needed to make waves simply standing and posing.

Choices, choices, choices. Halo hated choices, but he needed to make one quick, time running out. The outfit needed to have drama and flair.

Halo's POV

Planning is so difficult!! I'm going to walk around the building and try to get ideas, but I should probably put some warmer clothes on.

I chose to wear a olive green sweater with stripes and some comfy pants, along with some converse as to not walk around barefoot.

I exit my room and headed toward the elevator. I looked around and noticed no one around. I assume they all went to get their shit ready. I should think more like them, but I'm busy overthinking.

I hear the distinct 'ding' of the elevator before it opens. I walk in and realize it has windows. The sun appears to be partially coming out by this time. It's very early. Eventually I reach my destination.

Oh, I'm not the only one here it seems. I wonder- Dream? Never knew he woke up early. Ah fuck he saw me.

"Hey!" He says, directed towards me. He sort of jogs to me, it looks kind of funny. I smile at him and reply. "Hi" I tell him. I so bad with replies.

"What are you doing here so early? I thought most people had to go tailor their clothes." He beat me to the question damn it. "Truthfully, I thought the same thing, and I haven't made my outfit yet." Shock is immediately visible in his eyes. I give a small giggle trying to make it more humorous.


"I know, I know! I was getting to it! I swear!" We're both laughing now. It's fun, but weird since he knows me but not all of me.

After a bit of talk and laughter, I say goodbye and decided to go into the tailor studio. I get there and it's a wonderful mess. The tailor is offering his wisdom, and management is figuring out what to do.

"Goodness gracious! You're finally here! We need to get to work immediately." Ughhhhhh, welp, one groan and now I'm ready to plan.

"Don't worry! I've got an idea."

*The Next Day*

I groan as I slowly open my eyes, it's early and I forgot to turn of the lights. I'm gonna go back to sleep.... OH MY GOD IT'S SUNDAY.

I quickly rush out of bed and put on a fairly normal outfit that was within my reach. I run out my room and into the elevator. I get down to the lobby and it's empty once again. Last minute touches I assume.

"Mr. Solace!" Oh, it's the tailor? I look at him and walk toward we're he was. "Yes?" I'm quite confused and am hoping he lets me know what's going on.

"We've made it, but Mr.M says a limo isn't the right way to get to the red carpet. You know what that means right?" He says excitedly. I smile at him and nod. He rushes away back into his work space.

I get a message from Mr. M, he wants me in the tailor in around 2 hours. I guess I'll sit around and talk to myself in my head. I feel like I'm missing something... Oh! The cats! I wonder if they've been shipped in yet? I decided to bring them in to add flair to my outfit.

Not a single person knows of these cats, but they will now. I've decided on including them in my appearance. That is a sure way of getting what management wants. Publicity.


I've been scrolling on my phone for a while now, I look at the time and realize it's close to the time I was told to be in the tailor. I decide to go ahead and make my way there. I open the door and see a ton of people rushing around. Suddenly, I hear a loud groaning like sound. I turn and see the two cats.

I run excitedly towards them and they start making noise at the sight of me.

Cupid is a White Bengal Tiger, while Valentine is a Golden Tabby Tiger. They're such sweethearts, their names fit them perfectly.

"Halo, we have to start getting you ready now. The event is five hours, go ahead and follow me, I'll lead you to the dressing area."

I guess it's time then. I follow behind him and we enter the area. I look around and see people holding makeup brushes and pallets.

Oh Lord. Hello hell.


3rd POV

It was 6 in the afternoon. The red carpet was all laid out, and paparazzi was already standing there, cameras in hand. Fans stood by, tense as they waited for their favorite people to walk by.

Cameras had begun to be set up aiming at the backdrop. A TV network was beginning to setup their microphone and camera, ready to interview all the people coming to the event.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to this years red carpet event!" A news reporter was speaking to the camera. Beside her was another women, both reporting on the event.

"Thank you all for joining us here today! Now, as we look around we see all the fans standing by, waiting for their idols."

"Indeed they are Steph! It is such an honor being here today, would you say so too? I mean, we get a firsthand view at all the gorgeous people that will appear today!"

"It truly is a one of a kind experience, Em! It's a pleasure to have all of you at home watching here right now as well!"

The two continued to talk about stuff until the first couple cars began to line up. One by one famous people walked out, posing for the cameras.

"Woah woah woah Em, look at all those gorgeous outfits!"

"Uh huh. Today we see a ton of this year's most popular influencers and actors. Looking around, we notice the actors from this years highest grossing film, 'Gravitational Pull', starring up and coming star, Halo Solace!"

A large truck begins to back into the area, dropping open the back door, revealing two large tigers, which walk out, using the door as a ramp.

People stare, waiting for the star to exit. A glow emits from inside the dark truck, smoke soon coming out.

"It's show time"

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