chapter 2

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So hey....


Sighing Harry taps his pencil impatiently. Wanting class to end..

Being bored of the teacher, not wanting to write notes, but wanting to the beautiful boy with piercing blue eyes.
Eyes that look like the dark waves of the beach. The eyes he fell hard for.

But all Harry can think is,

Why doesn't Louis Tomlinson let him help?

"Harry, are you paying attention?"

Mrs. Madison ask slightly annoyed that one of her best student is not paying attention.

"Urmmm, yes I am m'am"

All eyes turn back to the front.
Slouching in his seat. Turning his attention to the clock.
Two more minutes
Become irritated.


Walking off to third period, a simple quite sob catches Harry's attention. Walking to the bathroom to find that all the stalls wear empty. Pushing one stall that was slightly open to find Louis puking his guts out.
Bending down Harry presses his hand to Louis' back patting and rubbing his back.


Once the bell rings I rush over to the bathroom.
Happy to find it empty.
Not thinking twice of locking the door I head over to first open stall.
Bending down, I stick my pointer finger down my throat. Happy that I have a gag reflects.
Puking out what Zayn made me eat this morning.
Jumping a little when hearing the door open. Then the stall.
Shivers sent down my back when I fell some one rub and pat my back.
Throwing up every last piece of food, I groan with the headache that now starting to form.
Letting out a quiet sob.
"Shhhhhh, it's okay. I'm here"
A deep husky voice whispers, making me blush.
Turning around to see who it is, only to find Harry.
I despite Harry. I believe that he tries to get in everyone's pants.
The only reason why he wants to help.
Oh how I wish he knew what he's getting him self into.

"Listen, tell anyone about this and your dick will be shoved up your ass."
I slurred.
Nodding he takes off his backpack and opens it to get something. Pulling out a water bottle and handling it to me.
Staring at it, I nervously grab it and chug it down.

"Th-hank you"

Stupid stutter. Handing the bottle back.
"Wait, can I maybe get your number?"
He asks with a glint of hope in his eyes.
"Fuc-k of-ff curly, jus-t bec-ause you-u helped me, doe-snt mean I-I like you.."
I say and stare at him as his eyes saddened.
"But-t I will an-y ways."
I say grabbing a pen from my pocket. Writing my number on is hand. Pulling up his sleeve to write it again in case it rub's off.

Getting up with a little he'll from Harry, I start to walk out the door.

Turning back to the curly lad. I raise brow.


"I have next class with you, maybe... Maybe you wanna wal- I mean you don't have to- walk with me?"

He ask's

Nodding slowly because hell, I'm not getting rid of this kid am I?

"Sure why not?"

I replied. Turning on my heal. Stopping when I feel my books being pulled out of my hands. Looking behind me to find Harry holding them.

"So you wanna come over this weekend? Were having a pool party. You know since its close to the weekend and its hot as hell"

Wanting to say yes, but forgetting that if i takes off my shirt Harry might see the cuts and scratches plus my little tummy and think somethings wrong.


I answer.

Ha you stupid peace of shit, there's no way your getting out of this.

Sometimes I wish I could be normal, like everyone else. But no. Theese stupid pleople in my head tell me wrong.

"Cool I'll see you there."

He says as we reach the door to the class.
Taking my books from him I head over to my usual seat all the way in the back.

Taking a seat not really caring about anything else at the moment.

Pulling at my sleeve I roll it up to reveal my cuts and scratches.

Picking at a fresh one. Hearing as gasp I quickly pull my sleeve down to see who's standing in front of me.
Seeing that it's Olivia the schools 'popular' girl looking down at me.

"Awe, look at the poor baby, he cuts for attention. He so lonely! Nobody cares baby face"

She says pinching my checks.

Tears rim my eyes

"Awe is the poor attention whore gonna cry?"

She asks well every one starts chanting attention whore.

Not being able too hold in the tears no matter how hard I tried to keep them in they just came out.
Pushing past Olivia -not caring if I pushed her a little to hard- and running out the door and pushing past anyone that gets in my way.
Running twords the nearest bathroom.
Running to the corner tripping on the way to it.
I curl into a little ball and and start to sob.

"Shh its okay Lou, I'm here. What Olivia said is not true okay Lou?"

Don't listen to him Louis he just wants to get in bed with you.

Whimpering I start to tear up again.

"Zayn.. I want Zayn, give me Zaynie."

I cry out.

"Shh I'll go get you Zayn."

Reaching in his pocket to get his phone pressing a few things

"Hey Zayn, oh yeah sorry, listen Louis really need a you- hello? Zayn?!"

Sighing Harry puts his phone down and hugs me tightly. A few minutes later the door bursts open and an angry looking Zayn storms in.

"Get away from him you backstabber! You said you'd help him! Puss of and leave him alone!" Zayns yells pointing a finger at Harry.

Whimpering slightly because I want Harry to stay.

For once, I want Harry to stay..


So guys extra long chapter :)))))

Love you guys

Harry's sneaking into your room tonight...




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