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~Tory's POV~

I walk into the throne room where Aro smiles brightly seeing us "Ah Tory" he looks at me with lust for power "Where" using my frequency high enough that shatters stone, I destroy Aro when I let out a scream before killing the other two kings. I bring out some matches and toss them on the kings, I'm not trying to take so long but get this done quickly. Rhaenyra and Demetri are killing the queen right now so yeah...

~Time Skip~

"All hail Queen Victory Ocean" it has been a few months since killing the Volturi kings, we gathered everyone in the supernatural community who are high rankings and powerful people to my coronation "Queen of the Sirens and her mate King Felix of the Cold Ones" Felix and I look to one another before looking out to everyone.

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