CH 1

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"AHHHH!!!!!WHAT THE! I hate you mister alarm i hate you. You are scary"
Anya says as Mia enters the room laughting.
"Don't tell me you got scared of the alarm"
"No i didn't , I told you not to hear to high music wearing headphones see the sideeffects started showing up"
"Hmph whatever get dressed today is a important day , there are chances for me to lure in a person named Mathew Wells who is suspected to be related to THE REVIVORS ."
"How do you know if he is related to the them?"
"Miss curisoity  leave somethings to the team and go get dressed i have prepared the breakfast"
"Kay kay "

""How do you know if he is related to the them?""Miss curisoity  leave somethings to the team and go get dressed i have prepared the breakfast""Kay kay "

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"Lalalallaallalala......." Anya hums washing the dishes in the bar.
Coming Anya says ,there was a rush today because of tommorow being christmas meaning extra profit.
It was still 2 hours before 9,  mia luring in the suspect so anya was nervous but still acting calm she goes to the person in waiting with a pen and notepad and asks
"May i have your order sir"with a smile
The person says
"a capuchino and for this man right here a drink"
"Just wait a while sir your order is on progress" anya says while running back to the counter

Mary and Anya were the sole employess of the bar with Mia helping in rushes the bar owner was always on vacation .

Mary and Anya were the sole employess of the bar with Mia helping in rushes the bar owner was always on vacation

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2 hours later....

Mia enters in the bar holding hands of a man from the looks in his thirties .
Anya had now pretty much control on her abilities but still felt dizziness in crowded place at this time it was pretty much filled with peoples so as a effect she was filling a bit dizzy. Mia knew about Anya 's ability and normally helped her throughtout the time they have been together for almost 4 years now since they were in training only some certain personalities in the department knew about her abilities.

"Hey!get us a drink" Mia says while sitting herself beside the man.
Anya was ready for this .
Mia says "so i work here as a partime job my hobbies are singing and annoying the hell out of peoplepretty much same with my bestie right here her name in Lara(anya)."
The man says" both are as pretty probably the effect of freindshsip"
touching Mia
Anya smiles and seats herself she had told mary to handle the rest because 'something important' was in wait.

"Here " says Anya putting down the tray on the table .

  "So what you guys upto?" Asks Anya
   "Nothing much just chittchatting"
Signaling Anya to concentrate on her mind to which Anya starts.
    Here's the target you should start i will be accussing myself. All the best you got this. And do not kill him .

She accusses herself gping to the bathroom leaving then both together.
"So ,What's your name ?"
"Matthew" the man replies as Anya fills both the glasses the man takes a sip and says
Anya asks" what do you do for living?
I am a waitress here."
"Just some buisness."
Just killing people this chick can be the next one.

Anya aside: oh shit this man is probably asssassin I can handle him probably thanks to the training i endured but i gotta stay on gaurd and make him think about his organisation.

"I see. So you like this place "
"Yeah the moment from which i saw you" as he holdes Anya's hand
Anya fakes a smile.
   She is beautiful and i am free he thinks smirking .
Mia was gone to reduce the count of people in this place to help anya concentrate. There weren't much people left but a move against the guy could have been dangerous considering he is a good fighter .

So Anya came up with a plan.

"Hey wanna take a walk outside ?"
The man smirks "Why not? "
He wraps his hand on Anya's waist as they head outside on the road.
While being tortured by the man's perveted thought Anya moves his hand onto her palm and says "I know a place follow me ."
While the man sheeplessly says "yeah,baby"

They were now pretty much far from the bar when anya from her boots take out a stillto type weapon(the same as yor used to) pinning the guy on a wall with the weapon on his throught" spill out everything you know or you know"
The guy counters her with a counter attack ,in response Anya kicking him. Abd a fight breaks down btw an assassin and a spy who used to live woth an assassin. The man was pretty strong Anya wasn'table to hear the man's thought as she was being beaten down . Just then they hear a gun shot . It takes Anya's attention and leaves a space for the guy to attack which he does. Anya was pinned on the ground when the man clutches her throught and says "you have made a grave mistake ,no one is gonna save you baby"

Anya resists but no luck . The man says "who sent you? Answer quickly or you know" smirking.
"Try whatever you can you won't be living long"
"Says the one being pinned down"

The man grips tightens around her neck as he slips one hand into her dress smirking.
Anya starts shouting , and just then another gunshot was heardbut this time the sound escaped in Matthew's head as he crashes on the floor.

She fixes herself and when she looks up to see the man her eyes widens.

A man with emerald green eyes ,black hairs, gloves in one hand with a gun in a suit . His eyes widens to but he regains posture pitting back the gun into his pocket lending one hand to help the girl in front and says
      "Long time no see short legs"


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