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Chapter 21 021

  Song Yingshi didn't know that her behavior had been discovered, her thoughts were simple and considerate.

  Although she had already made strange requests in front of Huaixu because of the task, she did not know how many times.

  For example, at night, calling people out to watch the "Tao De Jing" such a big silent event can be carved on the pillar of shame in Song Yingshi's life.

  But when it comes to physical tasks, Song Yingshi is still more careful.

  After all, the relationship between the two of them is here, and Huaixu has always felt that Song Yingshi had that kind of thought about her. It's embarrassing because the mission deepens the misunderstanding in this regard.

  Avoid it if you can.

  Compared to letting Huaixu put on shorts and a short skirt, she stared squintly at 20S people's big white legs, pierced by a rose, she would rather be troublesome.

  There is one last reason, she also wants a face, okay! She doesn't want to be treated as an old porno every day.

  In order to maintain the pure relationship between the two, Boss Song decided that she would take action in person.

  Boss Song distracted the employees with fittings. The dog stalkedly avoided the fitting room, and the cat was in a corner of the clothing store.

  She took the trousers that had been bought and the scissors she borrowed, and compared their positions, clicking and clicking.

  After cutting and unfolding, let alone, the hands are not born, they are pretty decent.

  Song Yingshi grabbed the raw edges at the breach, tried to forge the texture of the natural hole, stretched his head to look in the direction of the fitting room.

  Very good, Huaixu hasn't come out yet.

  She didn't know at all, there was a shopping guide who went in and came out.

  Song Yingshi took another minute or two seriously. Seeing that she could almost fool people, she walked to the fitting room:

  "Huaixu, try this and show it to me."

  A fair and beautiful hand stretched out from the fitting room and took away the jeans from Song Yingshi's hand.

  Huaixu accepted without saying a word, so Song Yingshi felt relieved slightly.

  After waiting outside for a while, Huaixu walked out wearing the ripped jeans.

  The shopping guide next to him opened his eyes slightly.

  In the jeans that had only a small rip, the entire fabric in front of the knees disappeared directly.

  It's like Jiabiyu who was smiling so little, suddenly opened a mouthful of blood, and directly made the mother's shopping guides unbearable.

  But Song Yingshi, the instigator, was very satisfied. After getting the condition to "look at the thighs", he couldn't wait to start the task.

  She said deeply:

  "You stand there and don't move, I'll see if it fits."

  Huaixu didn't hear it, and turned to face the dressing mirror:

  "The knee is a little cold."

  She was interrupted as soon as she watched 5S, and Song Yingshi had to get in front of the dressing mirror and stand in front of Huaixu to restart the clock.

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