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Chapter 81 Chapter 081

  On July 11, there are still two days left before the rehearsal of San Gong.

  The progress of the "Sleep" group went to the familiar and detailed part of the stage, and the amount of practice was not smaller than the previous few days.

  When Song Yingshi arrived, his teammates were already practicing on their own.

  Kou Lengyu was rather unsmiling when she danced, as if she had changed someone else, but when she came in when she saw Song Ying after a dance, her face opened like a flower:

  "How is our captain?"

  Song Yingshi smiled and said: "The spirit is okay, I can follow it tomorrow. She learns fast and doesn't delay."

  Chen Wan asked carefully: "Will there be cold symptoms? That will affect the performance of vocal."

  When talking about this, Li Taoran's newly relaxed heart was worried again.

  This is more deadly than Huaixu's less practice of a day dance. Everybody sees Huaixu's ability to learn, so there is no need to worry about her delaying her training schedule one day later.

  But the voice condition is not that she can get better when she thinks about it, this disease comes too untimely.

  Li Taoran said: "Huaixu is still the original sung, everyone definitely wants to hear her sing. And..."

  Song Yingshi finished what she was embarrassed to say for her: "And I want to see our version surpass the original song."

  Li Taoran laughed a little embarrassedly: "No need...oh, anyway, I'm pregnant now, so we can lower our goal, and it's about the same as the original singer."

  Kou Lengyu smiled but didn't smile: "Hey, I started to sing badly before I saw Huaixu? Sister."

  "I'm just worried about our big vocal, isn't this okay?"

  "You said that waiting for you to lie down, I thought it was a joke, is it true that you really lie down and wait? Aren't we all living well?"

  "I said Huaixu, I didn't say anything about us."

  "Oh...but Huaixu isn't the only one who wants to sing, have you already reached the level of Huaixu?"

  Kou Lengyu definitely has a personality that says whatever he thinks of. He usually looks good, but occasionally breaks out, attracting a lot of fans and causing a lot of controversy.

  The fire in the air. The smell of medicine is getting heavier and heavier.

  Li Taoran wanted to say something more, and then shut up.

  Chen Wan looked around, and when she finally looked at Song Ying, her eyes were full of "Are they going to fight, boss, please tell me something".

  Song Yingshi's expression was calm and her voice calm: "If this happens, we can only accept it. Huaixu is a famous singer. She knows her physical condition better than we do. I will ask her at noon."

  She glanced over the three teammates fairly, giving everyone a wait-and-see attitude:

  "In addition to Huaixu, we also have to work hard on vocal in the last two days. This is'we'," Song Yingshi pointed her index finger to herself, "including me."

  She looked at Li Taoran whose mouth was tightly closed, did not say much, and smiled comfortingly:

  "The captain originally planned to pick up the part for us today. She will come over this afternoon. After we practice dancing, you will be smooth at noon. Ask her if you are uncertain about it in the afternoon."

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