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Chapter 41 Chapter 041

  June 8th, Tuesday, the second day of a public practice week.

  On June 14th, trainees will usher in their first performance stage.

  Therefore, in this short week, the trainees must go all out to prepare the stage, and then meet the test of the instructor and the audience.

  Song Yingshi pretended to calmly bid farewell to a group of cubs who wanted to talk and stopped, ruthlessly ignored the happy bosoms, and came to the practice classroom with the heart engraved with "the porridge will be again".

  Before going in, she shook her head and rubbed her face to cheer up.

  A new day is still waiting for her, and the stage hasn't been perfected yet, how could she fall in the restaurant where she died.

  Because there was a delay in the restaurant, when Song Yingshi opened the door and went in, all her companions had arrived.

  Her stage this time is a five-member group. In addition to her, the other four are:

  Lang Man, the same company as Yu Sheng, was also another member of the duo who performed on the same stage with Yu Sheng at the initial rating. He has long hands and long feet, and is very expressive in dancing. He usually loves to take photos with Polaroids. . Because of the relationship between Yu Sheng and the others, they are also familiar with Song Yingshi, and they have taken three Polaroids together.

  Shan Silan, a well-known German entertainment company from her background, is more like a trainee in the traditional sense than a student who practiced like a joke. She is alone. More Song Yingshi didn't understand. The two had met once or twice in the gym, and they could barely be regarded as nodding acquaintances.

  Quan Yuanyuan, came into the factory with the nickname of Chili, has a hot temper, and seems to have elasticity when walking, dancing skills need to be tempered but full of enthusiasm, with endless vitality, born with a big voice, vocal Lu Xuewen choked with her They were all suppressed to death.

  Tan Qianyan, the only member of this group to be transferred, originally selected the vocal group, but the vocal group was full. When it was her turn to pick, the other teams in the dance group were also full, so she hadn't had much contact with them. During the dance of rap and the girl group, I resolutely chose to come here.

  They are in the "surrender" group.

  The drum beats in "Surrender" are dense and strong. There are quite a lot of stuck points in the dance in the practice room version. While creating impact, the rhythm is very rich and the song has a strong sense of melody. Combined with dance moves, it is easy to create memory points for the audience.

  Of course, the main reason was that Song Yingshi saw its choreography at a glance, liked it, and wanted to dance.

  The only thing worse than other groups is that there are only five people on the stage of this song.

  Although it's not that the more people are better, the more people on this cool-sa style stage will be more able to support it. Once there are fewer people, the typhoon aura of each of them will be more demanding.

  Song Yingshi has experienced or watched many stages, and can quickly analyze his strengths and weaknesses and choose what he wants.

  But on the afternoon of the 6th, five people sat cross-legged on the floor of the practice room and watched the stage twice. When they continued to communicate, the other team members reacted the most:

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