Sun opens his eyes to see a bright light shining onto his bed.

Huh, he doesn't remember having a purple blanket, he sits up and rubs his eyes gently, but the sheets stay a pretty lavender.

'Whatever, it's morning, my eyes are playing tricks on me.'

He pushes the blankets on the floor, before getting out of bed. Stretching a bit, he yawns before shuffling his way to the bathroom.

Slowly, he makes his way to the bathroom. Stopping and raising an eyebrow at the blue toothbrush in the cup.

"Mom? Did you change my toothbrush?" He yells down the stairs, no answer.

Shrugging he decides to use the toothbrush anyway. He brushes his teeth, trying to keep a consistent melody as he does so. When he finishes, he spits and looks in the mirror.

When he does, he has to double take, for the face in the mirror isn't that of a raven haired, gray eyed boy, instead, it's the face of a raven haired, gray eyed, short haired girl.

Taking in the strange realization, Sun supports himself on the sink as his mind races.



'I hate morning.'

She sit up and looks around taking in the details of the bedroom. From the dresser covered in stickers, to the garbage can overflowing in the corner.

Somehow, despite the glaring differences, one thing sticks out to her.

'When did I paint my room blue?'

They place one foot on the floor, and then the other, before standing up, and walking to the mirror in the corner of the room.

"I don't remember this being -OH!" She rubs her eyes and looks again.

"It, it can't be! I'M SUN!" She exclaims, running a hand through what should have been shoulder length hair.

"This is horrible I can't be Sun! What kinda nightmare is this?!?" They ask, walking around flailing her arms before collapsing into the bed.

She takes a deep breath in and lets out a loud growl, pulling their legs up to their chest.

"At least he's got a comfortable bed."

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